Historically, male adolescents have been the focus of youth violence research sin ce they commit the majority of violent index crimes. However, it has now become important to investigate what places young women at risk for youth violence in light of their increasing arrests rates. Methods Data ...
This article challenges the perception of youth crime as having increased in both frequency and seriousness against statistical data acquired from the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. Since the early 1990s in Canada, crimes committed by youth, violent crimes in particular, have received increased...
Hope Solo is one of the best female goalies to ever suit up for theU.S. Women’s Soccer Team. Off the playing field, Solo has been a controversial figure for criticizing her own teammates as well as her arrests for domestic assault on her family members and for driving under the influe...
the judicial system [7,13], arrests [16], or the territorial presence of the army [7]. Moreover, recent studies have identified the illegal armed groups and their strategic objectives as the main factors in explaining the regional variations in homicide rates in Colombia, which are the result...
the judicial system [7,13], arrests [16], or the territorial presence of the army [7]. Moreover, recent studies have identified the illegal armed groups and their strategic objectives as the main factors in explaining the regional variations in homicide rates in Colombia, which are the ...
http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/04/02/fbi-arrests-two-new-york-city-women-for-alleged-isis-inspired-bomb-plot/ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/04/02/two-nyc-women-who-declared-themselves-citizens-of-the-islamic-state-charged-with-plotting-to-set-off-bombs-in-the-u-...
Report in December 1996 from the US Dept. of Justice that the number of youth arrests for violent crimes had declined notably among teens under 15; Figures for juvenile arrests from 1991 to 1995; Comments from Attorney General Janet Reno....