Insights and Trends for the Leading Edge of the Energy Industry - Part 2Kelly, John
Industry's use of energy, accounting for approximately 40 percent of U.S. consumption, changed significantly after 1973. In 1982 industry consumed one-third less energy than trends established before 1973 would have predicted. Part of this reduction resulted from improvements in the efficiency of in...
"X-as-a-Service business models could revolutionise the energy & environment industry away from a product focus to a solution focus. It really does offer smaller companies the chance to challenge incumbent players, simply by offering the customer the most attractive solution," explains Mr Robinson...
Trends in green manufacturing and low-carbon initiatives in the security industry are very inspiring. Security manufacturers are rolling out products featuring longer life expectancies, recyclable materials and packaging, and renewable energy usage. Each of these initiatives reduces waste and emissions. For...
Trends in Energy – Efficiency, Recovery and Production The Role of the Chemical IndustryBeyrich-GrafXeniaingentaconnectCHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry
Discover the latest trends in the energy sector in our blog. We will keep you updated about topics as NZEBs, Microgrid, Energy Conservation, and more.
Innovations in the Energy Sector as a Powerful Catalyst for Financial Transformations ENERGY industriesCLEAN energyRENEWABLE energy sourcesBIBLIOMETRICSALTERNATIVE fuelsConventional wisdom often posits that financial innovations are the primary drivers ... W Strielkowski - 《Marketing & Management of Innovations...
Technology will play a key role in the Energy and Utility industry. Read more to see which trends you have to expect in 2022!
The surge of data volumes spurs the network, digital, and intelligent transformation in the energy industry. Therefore, the reliability, security, privacy, and resilience of hardware and software become necessary requirements. Huawei's power products feature high security and reliability design of softwa...
Velocity of energy transition and industrial reconfiguration create an exciting arena for M&A in energy, utilities and resources.