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Trends in South African internet banking. Aslib Proceedings, 56(3), 187-196.Singh, A.M. (2004), "Trends in South African Internet banking", ASLIB Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, Vol. 56 No. 3, pp. 187-196.Singh A. 2004. Trends in South African Internet banking. ASLIB ...
Trends in South African Publishingdoi:10.1080/00138397008691216Mr ERIC ROSENTHALEnglish Studies in AfricaRosenthal, Eric. 1970. "Trends in South African Publishing." English Studies in Africa, 13(1): 275-90.Rosenthal, E. 1970. Trends in South African publishing. English Studies in Africa 13(1):...
Poverty Trends in South Africa An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 and 2015 THE SOUTH AFRICA I KNOW, THE HOME I UNDERSTAND Koch Street, Salvokop, Pretoria, 0002 Private Bag X44, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa User information service: +27(12) 310 8600, Fax: +27(12) 310 8944 ...
In a country as vibrant and diverse as South Africa, consumer trends are never static. They ebb and flow with the rhythms of the nation, shaped by a unique blend of rich cultural heritage and modern aspirations. For SMEs to truly thrive, they need to tap into...
Newspaper circulation trends in South Africadoi:10.1080/02500167908537602GiffardC.A.Communicatio
With over 40 years of experience, Lew Campbell, the visionary behind The Ski Deck, discusses the evolution of skiing and snowboarding in South Africa. As a service provider catering to beginner and avid skiers or snowboarders in South Africa, Campbell notes the inclusive shift ...
We used a mathematical model of DS-TB and MDR-TB to project future trajectories of MDR-TB epidemics in South Africa and Vietnam under three competing assumptions about the relative transmission efficiency of MDR-TB. Within this framework, we first explore the relative ability of models using ...
Additional evidence regarding fertility and mortality trends in South Africa and implications for population projections Methods The estimations of fertility and mortality were based on methods developed by Brass that were designed to detect and adjust for reporting errors ty... EO Udjo - 《Statistics ...
Group buying is one of the fastest growing trends in South Africa today. Industry leaders are confident the growth potential remains strong since group buying is location-specific. Start-up costs are low and profit room remains high, so many sites continue to receive invested money despite widespr...