该刊是一本国际优秀杂志,在国际上有很高的学术影响力。基本信息: 期刊简称:TRENDS PSYCHIATR PSY 是否OA:开放 是否预警:否 Gold OA文章占比:81.67% 出版信息: 出版地区:Brazil 出版语言:English/Spanish/Portuguese 出版商:Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul 评价信息: JCR分区:Q3 影响因子:...
educators in psychiatry and psychology, as well as the general public interested in the field of mental health. By publishing authoritative research and commentary, it is committed to improving the standards of practice in psychiatry and psychotherapy, and contributing to improving patient care and pro...
Trends In Psychiatry And Psychotherapy由Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖PSYCHIATRY全领域,平均审稿速度 13 Weeks ,影响因子指数2.1,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警名单,广大学者值得一试。WOS分区(数据版本:2023-2024年最新版) 按JIF指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名...
本月下旬,应该就要公布最新的JCR影响因子了,除了这个俗称的SCI影响因子外,Elsevier基于Scopus数据库,也每年发布一个影响因子指标,正式名称为CiteScore,但每年发布均极为低调,小编刚刚发现:Elsevier又悄悄地发布了最新的CiteScore。 往年的CiteScore,我们可以看成是一个三年的影响因子,但根据刚刚公布的数据,今年的算法变动...
educators in psychiatry and psychology, as well as the general public interested in the field of mental health. By publishing authoritative research and commentary, it is committed to improving the standards of practice in psychiatry and psychotherapy, and contributing to improving patient care and pro...
The journal brings together research in psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, computer science and neuroscience. Trends in Cognitive Sciences provides a platform for the interaction of these disciplines and the evolution of cognitive science as an independent field of study....
The journal brings together research in psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, computer science and neuroscience. Trends in Cognitive Sciences provides a platform for the interaction of these disciplines and the evolution of cognitive science as an independent field of study. ...
《TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES》 期刊名缩写:TRENDS COGN SCI 22年影响因子:24.482 issn:1364-6613 eIssn:1879-307X 类别:医学生物农林科学环境科学与生态学管理科学 学科与分区:神经镜检查(NEUROSCIENCES) - SCIE(Q1)心理学,实验(PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL) - SSCI(Q1)行为科学(BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES) - SCIE(Q1)...
学科:PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTALSSCIQ16 / 99 94.44% Gold OA文章占比研究类文章占比文章自引率 43.06%3.28%0.01... 开源占比出版国人文章占比OA被引用占比 0.19...0.020.25... 名词解释:JCR分区在学术期刊评价、科研成果展示、科研方向引导以及学术交流与合作等方面都具有重要的价值。通过对期刊影响因子的精确计算...
通过对比Trends in Cancer催稿信被拒、你试一下这个 影响因子分值、sitescore值、审稿周期、投稿录用率等指标,以图表的形式直观展现Trends in Cancer催稿信被拒、你试一下这个各个指标的对比趋势图,让您一目了然的看到各个期刊的优缺点, 快速锁定目标期刊进行投稿,节省投稿周期!