Other types of patterns to consider can deal with macro data points. Examples would include how the overall market's price behavior is acting, whether or not a group is breaking out or down, and other historical tendencies a trader notices. How Patterns Work Patterns in security prices, perhap...
The same rule works with the other verbs you saw before: 'rise', 'grow', 'improve' and 'climb'.同样的规则也适用于你之前看到的其他动词:“上升”、“增长”、“提升”和“攀升”。Look at one more sentence: How many words could you use to complete this sentence?让我们再来看一个句子:你可...
In other words, the analyses of climate trends could only reflect the overall change of climatic factors over one period of time, but have ignored the variability of climatic dynamics to which human health, crop production and plant growth are sensitive2, 21,22,23,24,25,26. Variability ...
In other words, the deliberations I am going to submit to the reader's consideration will be of a fairly personal nature. However, it is not my primary intention to act as a critic, rather as a cartographer or an anthropologist. I shall, however, at the end of this paper, express ...
s already happened. Today, some of the most exciting possibilities in interpreting data involve predictive analytics—in other words, solving problems before they happen. Advanced analytics is also helping businesses tap into data sources that were previously inaccessible, such as images, audio, video...
In other words, the seasonal variation of temperature in estuarine waters seems to be the main determinant of temporal variations in the composi- tion and structure of estuarine communities, since it influences the activity of organisms and their growth and reproductive rates37. On the other ...
In other words, advertisers may take over control of their pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to Google’s AI system, which will optimize their budget to maximize return on investment. This works for a variety of PPC objectives, including: CPA Target Generate new leads and customers at a ...
The task, therefore, is not one of describing and informing, but of taking a fresh look in the perspective of what ought to be and what can be. In other words, the task is one of policy analysis. The conceptual model discussed here is based on the premise that policies for the ...
In other words, AI is definitely making a major impact on the world of content generation — but I don’t think it’s likely to fully replace human marketers. 4. Social media is the highest ROI marketing channel. In 2025, the top positions marketers report their organizations are hiring fo...
In other words, the number of entries was roughly equivalent to the number of exits. However, in 2006 despite a rise in the number of heifers calving compared to 2003, there was a net loss of 23,773 cows from the national herd (equivalent to a fall of 1.1%). These data do give ...