Trends in Neurosciences (IF 12.891, CiteScore 19.6) 肌动蛋白细胞骨架的调控是神经元发育和维持突触可塑性的重要机制,一旦其调控异常,可能导致许多复杂的神经系统疾病。在本期中,Jeremiah Paskus,Bruce Herring和Katherine Roche回顾了有关这些过程中同源RhoGEFs Kalirin和Trio的日益丰富的文献。值得注意的是,...
Trends in Neurosciences Trends in Biochemical Sciences (IF 14.732; CiteScore 27.8) 大部分的线粒体蛋白质组在胞质核糖体上合成,随后通过各种途径进入线粒体。尽管对进入途径的后期已经得到了相对深入的研究,但进入的第一步,即前体蛋白通过细胞质靶向线粒体膜,仍然是它们旅程中一个神秘的部分。虽然一小部分...
Trends in Neurosciences (TINS) fulfils that need.In over twenty years TINS has emerged as the leading current awareness journal in the neurosciences (#1 monthly review journal in the ISI SCI Journals Citation Reports® 1996; Impact Factor, 17.755), publishing succinct and readable articles in a...
Trends in Neurosciences (TINS) fulfils that need.In over twenty years TINS has emerged as the leading current awareness journal in the neurosciences (#1 monthly review journal in the ISI SCI Journals Citation Reports? 1996; Impact Factor, 17.755), publishing succinct and readable articles in a ...
今天,小编就带大家一睹Trends全系列2021年7月刊的高清封面大图和其背后的故事,并奉上新鲜出炉的2020年期刊影响因子 (Impact Factor)! *以下所有内容译自英文,仅供参考,请以英文原文为准 图片 图片 Trends in Biochemical Sciences (IF: 13.807) 生物分子凝聚体 ...
JCR 影响因子(Impact factor), 5年期影响因子, 即年指数(Immediacy Index), 论文数量, 半衰期, 特征因子(Eigenfactor), 论文影响分值 [科研必备] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款;☆语言问题免费重修;★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票;★一分钟下单;☆365日不间断服务 期刊全名 trends in neurosciences 期...
32.0CiteScore 13.0Impact Factor Trends in Cognitive Sciences Supports open access Trends in Genetics Supports open access 13.7Impact Factor Trends in Microbiology Supports open access 25.3CiteScore Trends in Neurosciences Supports open access Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Supports open access Trends...
Trends in Cell Biology Supports open access 32.0CiteScore 13.0Impact Factor Trends in Cognitive Sciences Supports open access Trends in Genetics Supports open access 13.7Impact Factor Trends in Microbiology Supports open access 25.3CiteScore Trends in Neurosciences Supports open access Trends in Pharmaco...
Trends in Neurosciences (TINS) fulfils that need.In over twenty years TINS has emerged as the leading current awareness journal in the neurosciences (#1 monthly review journal in the ISI SCI Journals Citation Reports? 1996; Impact Factor, 17.755), publishing succinct and readable articles in a ...
心理学1区BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES行为科学NEUROSCIENCES神经科学PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL心理学:实验1区1区1区是是 名词解释: 中科院JCR期刊分区(又称分区表、分区数据)是中国科学院文献情报中心世界科学前沿分析中心的科学研究成果。在中科院期刊分区表中,主要参考3年平均IF作为学术影响力,最终每个分区的期刊累积学术影响力是相...