近日,受Cell Press旗下期刊Trends in Pharmacological Sciences邀请,华中科技大学叶达伟和汪涛等发表了题为“Targeting JAK-STAT Signaling to Control Cytokine Release Syndrome in COVID-19”的文章,系统阐述了CRS在新冠病毒感染中的作用,梳理并总结了各类JAK抑制剂来控制细胞因子风暴的优势,并探讨了利用JAK抑制剂治...
EFMC: Trends in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biologydoi:10.1002/cbic.202200690Auberson, Yves P.Arimondo, Paola B.Duca, MariaEssig, SebastianGrether, UweRufer, Arne C.Sbardella, GianlucaSchopfer, UlrichTorrens, Antonivan der Stelt, Mario
Q:接受研究文章后,Trends in Biotechnology的期刊定位会有哪些改变?对标哪些期刊? A:Trends in Biotechnology是一个专注特定领域的期刊,旨在成为该领域的优秀可靠的信息来源,类似于Cell Press的其他期刊,如Cell Stem Cell、Cell Genomics、Cell Systems、Cell Chemical Biology。我们将与Cell Reports系列期刊保持着密切的关...
本合辑精选了Trends in Biotechnology和iScience上的综述和研究型论文,强调了生物质(biomass)在助力可持续未来方面的多重潜力。这些文章提出了很多生物质的应用途径,包括:利用微生物和微生物群(microbial consortia)来制造燃料、固定二氧化碳乃至以二氧化碳为原料生产其他有价值的产品;开发木质素的价值,将之用于电化学、作为...
近日,Acta Materia Medica杂志主编、上海中医药大学首席教授徐宏喜团队受邀在Cell Press旗下化学领域顶级期刊Trends in Chemistry(IF = 22.448)在线发表了题为“Chirality Transfer Strategy in Asymmetric Total Syntheses”的综述文章(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trechm.2022.08.006)。以结构复杂、活性多样的天然产物全...
Molecular BiologyGBR86%similarity8 BioEssaysUSA86%similarity9 Molecular CellUSA86%similarity10 Current Opinion in Structural BiologyGBR84%similarity11 Genes and DevelopmentUSA84%similarity12 Journal of Molecular BiologyUSA83%similarity13 Nature Chemical BiologyGBR83%similarity14 Wiley interdisciplinary reviews....
Chemical studies and biodiesel development are the main topics in the case of C. inophyllum. Text mining analysis revealed that coumarins, and xanthones are the main secondary active metabolites responsible for most of the reported pharmacological properties, and are potential compounds for the ...
It has been a challenging year; nevertheless, the scientific community has held a grip firmly. So, we are pleased to present a specially curated collection of ‘Best of Trends in Cell Biology 2020’. The Editor-in-Chief created the collection considering
Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS) keeps its readers up-to-date and well informed about recent advances in biochemistry and molecular biology through succinct articles. Our goal is to provide articles that do more than simply summarize the literature; they synthesize the data, put forward new ...
placed the current annual synthetic biology research market at$600 million, and that sum has the potential to exceed $3.5 billion over the nextdecade.2 Other forecasts indicate that one-fifth of the chemical industry (currentlyworth $1.8 trillion) could be dependent on synthetic biology by 2015....