Much of the excitement around gene editing is its prospective use for disease therapy, but undoubtably, when this same technology is applied to agriculture, it can help us meet global food demands sustainably – if we let it. Jürgen Huff Senior Vice President of Research & Development Crop P...
of exceptional importance in this matter is realization of the decisions of the March (1965) Plenary Meeting of the CPSU Central Committee, which outlined urgent measures for the further development of agriculture.doi:10.2753/RES1060-9393080635V. F. Krasota...
但这种增产的效果可能不如人意,来自法国蒙彼利埃大学(Université de Montpellier)、法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation, et l’Environnement, INRAE)的Antoine Martin团队在Trends in Plant Science发表题为“The decline of plant mineral nutrition under ...
Life science 特异性代谢(specialised metabolism)是植物拥有的最为强大的能力,本期Trends in Plant Science特刊覆盖了与植物特异性代谢有关的一系列议题。植物会产生大量不以促进生长或繁殖为目的,而是发挥重要生物作用(如信号传递或保护)的代谢物,这些代谢物结构各异,种类估计在20~100万之间。迄今为止,其中许多作用及...
近日,Trends in Plant Science杂志在线发表了美国明尼苏达大学题为“ Challenges of Translating Gene Regulatory Information into Agronomic Improvements”的文章,阐述了基于高通量测序技术的转录因子/靶基因互作网络鉴定以及遗传变异在作物改良中的作用。 利用遗传变异产生的复杂数量性状,包括高产,优质和抗病虫等优良性状,极...
根据官网显示《 Trends in Food Science & Technology》是一本接受开放获取期刊,发表文章需要支付US$5120。 05 收录情况 《Trends in Food Science & Technology》被3个数据库收录,分别是Science Citation Index Expanded、Current Contents Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences、Essential Science Indicators。 06...
uncharacterized. This limits the contribution of rhizosphere science to agriculture and the ongoing Green Revolution. Here, we argue that understanding plant responses to soil heterogeneity is key to understanding rhizosphere processes. We highlight rhizosphere sensing and root-induced soil modification in ...
Science 378, 599-600 7.Yang, Z., et al. (2020) A mini foxtail millet with an Arabidopsis-like life cycle as a C4 model system. Nat. Plants 6, 1167-1178 8.Wang, Y., et al. (2022) GWAS, MWAS and mGWAS provide insights into precision agriculture based on genotype-dependent ...
In order to track current popular topics and global research trends in urban agriculture, we used bibliometric analysis and visualization mapping to evaluate and analyze the developments in the knowledge of urban agriculture based on 605 papers from the core collection database Web of Science from ...
“forestry” category including specialized journals and journals not published in English. This increase is consistent with other subject categories in the Clarivate Analytics data: for example, “agriculture–multidisciplinary” increased by a factor of 2.42, “biology” by 1.95, “ecology” by 1.95...