每本期刊还备注了2019 Impact Factor和CiteScore,更科学地反映了Trends在各领域的影响力。 *以下所有内容译自英文,仅供参考,请以英文原文为准。 Trends in Immunology (IF 13.422; CiteScore 21.5) 心肌肥大细胞(CMC)是一种免疫细胞,在组织内稳态和疾病中发挥着复杂的作用。在本期中,Varricchi,Marone和...
Trends in Immunology 图片 Trends in Microbiology (IF: 17.079) 免疫细胞和结合分枝杆菌(Mtb)之间的异质性相互作用导致出现不同的结核肺部病变,为药物渗透和病原体清除带来不利影响。在感染过程中,结核分枝杆菌存在于不同的巨噬细胞中(如M1型、M2型、肺泡巨噬细胞和间质巨噬细胞),细胞内酸性pH值和一氧化氮等免...
封面作者: Tahnee L. Saunders, Isabella Fraschilla 和Catarina Sacristán Trends in Immunology Trends in Parasitology
alike. Trends in Immunology helps to link developments in basic and clinical immunology, and is now established as the top-ranked monthly review journal in its field, according to ISI's Science Citation Index for immunology journals. (Year 2000 impact factor 14.954). Trends in Immunology Online...
Volume 1 • Issue 12 ISSN: 1471-4906 5 Year impact factor: 16 Impact factor: 13.1 Subscription options Personal Institutional Print 20% Off 1 year subscription was $426.00$426.00 now $340.80$340.80 Add to cart, Trends in Immunology Applicable taxes will be calculated at checkout. Institution...
JCR 影响因子(Impact factor), 5年期影响因子, 即年指数(Immediacy Index), 论文数量, 半衰期, 特征因子(Eigenfactor), 论文影响分值 [科研必备] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款;☆语言问题免费重修;★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票;★一分钟下单;☆365日不间断服务 期刊全名 trends in immunology 期刊...
Trends in Genetics Supports open access 13.7Impact Factor Trends in Microbiology Supports open access 25.3CiteScore Trends in Neurosciences Supports open access Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Supports open access Trends in Ecology & Evolution Supports open access Trends in Immunology Supports open ...
The journal publications explore research in Microbiology alongside concepts in Immunology and other areas of study in Disease. The most cited papers focus on Bacteria but the discussions also offer insight into other areas such as Biochemistry and Cell biology. What topics the last edition of the ...
(Year 2000 impact factor 14.954). Trends in Immunology Online is also available, to complement and expand upon the print edition. 中文简介:(来自Google、百度翻译) 由爱思唯尔科学出版。ISSN: 1471 - 4906。 免疫学趋势的目的是监测免疫学各个领域的进展,并将结果以可读和清晰的形式汇集在一起。评论...
alike. Trends in Immunology helps to link developments in basic and clinical immunology, and is now established as the top-ranked monthly review journal in its field, according to ISI's Science Citation Index for immunology journals. (Year 2000 impact factor 14.954). Trends in Immunology Online...