Our Excavation & Trenching Safety Training Kit is a convenient & cost-effective DIY training solution. Protect your employees and meet OSHA requirements.
Voight, EricProfessional Safety
Trenching & Excavation Safety 管沟和土方开挖安全 1、文本(英文+中文) So, whatexactly isan excavation or a trench?Well an excavation is any man-made cut cavity, trench or depression in an earth surface that is formed by earth remove.So a trench is a type of excavation, no more than 15 ...
Selected Occupational Fatalities Related to Trenching and Excavation as Found in Reports of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Fatality/Catastrophe InvestigationsConstructionExcavationTrenchingStatistical dataAccident investigationsThe study is divided into three sections: Building Construction, Heavy...
Another 1,100 workers are injured in trenching annually, according to Trench Safety, a part of the Auburn University Building Science Department Program.Ruth W.StidgerInternatinoal gas engineering and management
The most common hazard associated with trenching or excavation work is a cave-in, according to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. People at risk of being caught in a cave-in include workers who repair water, sewer and utility lines; road builders; and workers ...