Ww1 Week 1 Trench Analysis It was poorly constructed, polluted with human excrement and contained pools of water. Buried about a foot deep, hundreds of Germans and French lied in the trench since last October. Mud was my best friend, and sleep was interrupted by the booming of German shells...
Ww1 Week 1 Trench Analysis It was poorly constructed, polluted with human excrement and contained pools of water. Buried about a foot deep, hundreds of Germans and French lied in the trench since last October. Mud was my best friend, and sleep was interrupted by the booming of German shells...
This worked extremely well at the time, especially since the previous doctrine was based on a relatively small number of fully armored “men at arms”, fighting on foot or horseback as needed, and supported by a proportionately very large number of archers; 3, 4 or more to each man at ar...
Ww1 Week 1 Trench Analysis It was poorly constructed, polluted with human excrement and contained pools of water. Buried about a foot deep, hundreds of Germans and French lied in the trench since last October. Mud was my best friend, and sleep was interrupted by the booming of German shells...
Many soldiers got infections and diseases that could not be treated such as Trench Foot or Trench Fever. Although trench warfare acts as a great defensive and offensive measure, it became very dangerous because of the many different causes of death including shell fire, diseases, and infections....