2022年6月5日,NEJM Evidence期刊上刊登了《Tremelimumab plus Durvalumab in Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma》,度伐利尤单抗联合曲美木单抗(D+T)治疗不可切除的肝细胞癌的研究结果。追踪各种会议和期刊上的研究数据的更新,本身就是一件辛苦的事情,但不追踪,看到自己制作的幻灯,老是讲以前的数据,如鲠在喉的感觉...
1. Abou-Alfa GK, Lau G, Kudo M, et al. Tremelimumab plus durvalumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. NEJM Evid 2022. doi: 10.1056/EVIDoa2100070. 10.1056/EVIDoa2100070 2. Bruix J, Chan SL, Galle PR, et al. Systemic treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: An EASL position paper. J...
根据计划的方案,患者被随机分配到STRIDE方案;每4周1500mgdurvalumab;400毫克索拉非尼每日两次;或每4周服用75毫克曲美单抗加1500毫克杜洛马单抗。 在对研究22的计划分析未能显示该组与durvalumab单独使用之间有意义的疗效差异后,停止招募含有低剂量的tremelimumab组。 HIMALAYA的主要终点是Durvalumab/tremelimumab与sorrafenib的O...
The total number of patients treated with the combination of Durvalumab and Tremelimumab in the studies retrieved was 2052. Conclusion. The combination of Durvalumab plus Tremelimumab showed some oncological advantages in comparison with traditional chemotherapies in some subsets of tumors, but generally ...
Durvalumab +化疗最多4个周期,每个周期21日,之后每4周1次Durvalumab,直至疾病进展;或长达6个21天周期的化疗(联用或不联用培美曲塞维持治疗)。主要终点是D+CT组与CT组相比的无进展生存期(PFS)和总生存期(OS)。次要终点是T + D + CT与CT相比的PFS和OS。
Tremelimumab +/- durvalumab plus paclitaxel as immune induction in metastatic urothelial cancer: translational results of the ICRA trial. Ann Oncol. 2024;24(suppl 1):1-20. doi:10.1016/iotech/iotech100741 Improve checkpoint-blockade response in advanced urothelial cancer (ICRA). ClinicalTrials.gov. ...
近日,durvalumab(度伐利尤单抗,Imfinzi)和tremelimumab(Imjudo)的双免疫联合疗法获欧盟批准用于晚期或不可切除肝细胞癌(HCC)肝癌的一线治疗,或者联合铂类化疗用于一线治疗转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)[1]。 此次度伐利尤单抗联合tremelimumab获批一线...
近日,durvalumab(度伐利尤单抗,Imfinzi)和tremelimumab(Imjudo)的双免疫联合疗法获欧盟批准用于晚期或不可切除肝细胞癌(HCC)肝癌的一线治疗,或者联合铂类化疗用于一线治疗转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC) [1] 。 HIMALAYA试验 HIMALAYA试验为一项随机、开放标签 、多中心全球Ⅲ期试验,16个国家的181个中心参与。研究招募ECOG...
1. Abou-Alfa GK, Lau G, Kudo M, et al. Tremelimumab plus durvalumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. NEJM Evid 2022. doi: 10.1056/EVIDoa2100070. 10.1056/EVIDoa2100070 2. Bruix J, Chan SL, Galle PR, et al. Systemic treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: An EASL position paper. ...
Durvalumab plus a single priming dose of tremelimumab led to continued clinically meaningful overall survival benefit at 4 years compared with sorafenib in patients with previously untreated, unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma not eligible for localiz