蛛网膜下腔出血后TREM2神经炎症的调节与IRAK3蛋白水平升高有关。 使用产品:TREM2 antibody (orb313249, biorbyt) 产品链接:https://www.biorbyt.com/trem2-antibody-orb313249.html 产品信息: 产品质检图: 此外,biorbyt还提供TREM2相关的重组蛋白,ELISA 试剂盒以及小分子激动剂。部分产品货号如下,欢迎咨询。 产品...
the antibody acts as a TREM2 agonist and specifically binds to the strk region of TREM2 with a low dissociation constant in the range from 10 nm to 100 to 500 PM, 10 to 50 PM, or 1 to 10 pm, and specifically binds to the TREM2 epitope across the h157-s158 cleavage site and doe...
Thus, we tested the hypothesis that administration of a Trem2 agonist antibody (AL002a) to atherogenic mice would enhance macrophage survival and decrease necrotic core formation to improve plaque stability.#To model a therapeutic intervention approach, atherosclerosis-prone mice (Ldlr [low-density ...
Although we did not observe an impairment of signalling upstream of PLCγ2 using TREM2-activating antibody as a TREM2 agonist, the TREM2 antibody is a high-affinity ligand and may saturate TREM2 downstream signalling even when receptor numbers are reduced. In contrast, phagocytic cargo such as ...
To investigate whether the observed decrease in phagocytosis is specific to disease-relevant substrates or instead due to a more global down-regulation of phagocytic activity, we also tested phagocytosis of zymosan A, a dectin 1/2 agonist (Fig. 3e). This control ligand was taken up equally well...
b 5hMeDIP experiments, using an antibody against 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC), revealed no differences in levels of 5-hydroymethylated DNA on the TSS-associated region (2.6-fold enrichment, p = 0.130) (left), and the gene body in exon 2 (1.5-fold enrichment, p = 0.383) ...
over several weeks, which has been linked to confounding effects on systemic lipid metabolism and plaque formation in experimental atherosclerosis18. A recent preprint from the same group using another TREM2 agonistic antibody in established atherosclerosis also demonstrated reduced necrotic core formation19...
, and it acts as an agonist of TREM2 signaling. Fig. 2 In vitro and in vivo effects of a TREM2-specific antibody on TREM2 signaling.aWB analysis ofTrem2+/+orTrem2−/−BMDM stimulated with a TREM2-specific antibody (AL002a) or with a control antibody, by cross-linking with a ...
Macrophages were identified using CD68 antibody and smooth muscle cells with alpha actin (SMA) (Fig. 6a and Extended Data Fig. 7c). Quantification confirmed reduced total macrophage area in Trem2ΔMФ mice at 8 weeks and 16 weeks of TAM-HFD (Fig. 6a,b). However, as a percentage ...
Consistent with the effect of the TG2 agonist, sTREM2 induces RhoA phosphorylation at S188, which deactivates RhoA. Active RhoA binds with several effector proteins, including ROCK, to transmit downstream signals45. Aβ has been found to activate the RhoA/ROCK/GSK3β signaling pathway, leading...