Learn more about TreeSize Free... Windows Server: TreeSize requires a Pro license to run on Windows Server with 4.7.3 and later. JAM Software Date Updated 4.4.2 App License: Freeware Source:PortableApps.com Launcher
A new version of TreeSize Free Portable has been released. TreeSize Free lets you scan directory size and find the space hogs to free up space on your drive. It's packaged in PortableApps.com Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps.com Platform. TreeSize Free Portable is...
aportable versionthat can be installed via a USB device, andsupport for a Windows server. These added perks are useful on a case-by-case basis, so since both tiers let you download TreeSize free for a30-day free trial, it’s
Portable TreeSize Free 4.7.3 freewareView Image Every hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize Free tells you where precious space has gone to. TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, ...
Stay Organized: Keep tabs on which apps and folders grow unchecked over time. Optimize Your Cloud Storage: Detect unnecessary file duplicates or large archives syncing to your cloud account. Spot the Unexpected: When your hard drive is mysteriously full, TreeSize Free helps find the culprit. Geek...
On the next screen, you can select whether you want the installer or the portable zipped file. Then click on Download. TreeSize will ask you if you want to try the Pro version instead. But after 30 days of trial, you’re going to have to switch anyway. So just click on Continue ...