The Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum), also called the Colorado red cedar, typically ranges from 10 to 15 feet in height and 4 to 6 feet in width. This juniper variety prefers moist, well-drained soils, but can tolerate drier soil conditions. Rocky Mountain junipers generally do ...
Colorado Blue Spruce $59.50 - $149.50 Zones 6–9 Nellie Stevens Holly $24.50 - $149.50 Zones 3–8 Limelight Hydrangea $49.50 - $129.50 Zones 3–9 Blue Moon Wisteria $54.50 - $149.50 Zones 4–7 Hicks Yew $29.50 - $99.50 Crimson Queen Japanese Maple ...
the seed was over 1,000 years old when it was found, and its DNA links it to a genus of tree that, although lost today, was mentioned in the Bible. Named Sheba, the unknown species of tree has been identified as belonging to the ...
The tricky part of growing lime trees is their cold sensitivity. If you try to grow them outdoors in places like Pennsylvania or Colorado, you’ll watch them quickly succumb to winter temperatures. However, before you write off growing one of these trees at home,consider growing them in a ...
Ancient trees, the venerable sentinels of forests, may preserve genetic diversity that helps woodlands thrive for thousands of years, a new study suggests. In a typical deciduous forest, the oldest of the old trees - many of which were standing during the First Crusade - can act almost like ...
Tree trimming can be done in any season even when the tree is in its dormant cycle, but in most cases, the best time to trim trees is in the Winter. The same goes for most other plants that you are likely to have in your landscape, so the best time to prune trees and shrubs is...
Had a Very Hard Frost here(Colorado) just last week. Our Willow tree was greening up nicely, now all the leaves have fallen off. Frost kill, I notice sprouts(suckers) on the trunk gr owing but very little growth on the upper part. Will it survive ? 8yr. Old tree about 20 ft.tall...
found in the north. Most sour cherries are self-pollinating, whereas sweet cherries are usually cross-pollinators–meaning you need two trees for fruit production. Stella and tehranivee are two types of sweet cherry suitable for Ontario that self-pollinate if you only want one tree in the ...
Big leaf Maple in Fall is usually yellow, but sometimes tinged with orange. Licorice Fern and Mosses on Big Leaf Maple. This majestic tree is made even more interesting by the life it supports. Its deeply ridged bark creates and ideal habitat for epiphytes (plants that grow on trees without...
Potted Colorado blue spruces are either spruces dug up and potted for sale, or spruces that have been entirely container grown. Plant potted spruces in late spring through early fall. Spruces potted in field soil need early spring planting. Planting in spring through early fall is best for...