Trees capture our imagination because they are rooted solidly in the earth but point ethereally toward the sky. They occupy a dimension that has as much to do with time and patience as with place and landscape. They are vertical beings to whom we attribute qualities both divine and human. Si...
The authors confirm that they have no conflict of interest to declare. Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable. Consent for publication Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Additional information Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains ne...
根据第三段的The Arizona architecture students designed one component of a larger project called SunBlock, which rethinks the traditional configuration of district energy systems that are used to heat or cool collections of buildings.可知,亚利桑那大学建筑系的学生们设计了一个名为SunBlock的大型项目的一...
produce the densest privacy screens and are popular amongst homeowners creating windbreak barriers as well. Plant your first row of trees and then position the row behind so that the trees are adjacent to the spaces in the first row. This way, there will be minimal gaps for anyone to see ...
At 7,350 feet in altitude, Mexico City isn’t tropical, but since it rarely has freezing temperatures, there are lots of palm trees that do well here. Canary Island date palms (Phoenix canariensis) were pretty common. Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis) ...
- Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly said men came towards his home with an AK-47 aimed at him the day he was arrested for murder. "He turned towards me … pointed the AK at me. And that’s when — everybody says was the dumbest thing I ever did — they sa...
Desert trees and plants don’t need to be dull. There are lots of trees like the Ocotillo that do best in hot and dry climates but also offer brilliant color to brighten your garden. The Ocotillo is a succulent, a plant type that does exceptionally well in low water environments. ...
Florida is the Sunshine State, but there are times that shade from the heat is welcomed. Or, swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxi), since it also is native and can tolerate compacted soils, drought. Other Evergreen Trees If you do not mind shade in the sunny winter months, consider broad...
sequences from a less conserved marker gene that allows for higher taxonomic resolution are aligned within groups of closely related taxa to create “extension” phylogenetic trees that are then grafted onto the foundation tree. The result is the “ghost tree.” In this text, we refer to the ...
1), it is possible that sugars were transported from the canopy to roots, yet the slight trend in total root NSC does not strongly support this (Fig. 3C). P. edulis also exhibited steep increases in bole and root sugar concentrations (slope = 0.19 for the bole and 0.2 for the ...