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This suggests that tree size is no longer a dominant factor in larger datasets (\(n\ge 500\)). In these larger datasets we observe distinct trends in class recovery scores. The OST class recovery rate increases consistently despite the increases in model size, which means that the OST ...
principally, but not exhaustively pesticide usage, excessive nitrogen in soil (which is not suitable for many wildflower species), decline in beneficial trees (particularly the demise of Elms) and trends in home gardens (the trend of close cut lawns and hard landscaping or ‘maintenance...
23. Low temperature magnetic states found in spin glasses such as CuMn arising from heating–cooling cycles in the 1–20 K temperature range have provided an experimental context24,25. Exploring the vast potential of tree-like states in several areas of neuromorphic computing continues to be ...
Growth trends reveal the forest structure during Roman and Medieval times in Western Europe: a comparison between archaeological and actual oak ring series (Quercus robur & Quercus petraea) Ann. For. Sci., 62 (8) (2005), pp. 797-805, 10.1051/forest:2005085 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Hanec...
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(N)ature rises up by connections, little by little and without leaps, as though it proceeds by an unbroken web, it proceeds in a leisurely and placid uninterrupted course. There is no gap, no break, no dispersion of forms: they have, in turn, been connected, ring within ring. That ver...
edulis). Similar trends were observed for the bole and roots of P. edulis. In contrast, overall NSC in the roots of J. monosperma had little change with water stress (slope = 0.013, P = 0.3.). However, roots saw a relatively strong increase in sugar concentrations (slope ...
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Abstract Soil and water in Egypt have become contaminated with multiple pollutants. These contaminants arise from diverse sources, including misuse of fertilizers, industrial effluent discharged into irrigation water, discharge of wastewater in rural areas, and mining activities discharging wet and dry atmo...