InFall,Oak TreesandMaple Treesthat are not inPelican Townor theGreenhousemay temporarily turn into Green Rain Trees Type 1 and 2, respectively, and will return to their original form the nextSpring. If a tapper is placed on the tree, this change will not occur.[2] ...
Fruit trees can grow in the Greenhouse, in the center soil or around the border. Fruit trees planted in the greenhouse or on Ginger Island bear fruit every day after maturity, and will maintain their summer appearance regardless of season. ...
Adds in a simple wisteria 'fruit' tree to the game. Produces blossoms in spring, You can purchase them at Pierre's.
Fruit trees in Stardew Valley require a bitmore planning and growth timethanyour regular crops, but they end up beingmuch more hands-offthan a regular crop field once you've gotten them into the ground. Fruit trees grow fromfruit tree saplings, which can bepurchased fromPierre's Shop(or t...