Tulsi,pudina, curry leaves and aloe-vera plants are known for their medicinal uses but the coutry also home to big trees that holds special significance in Ayurveda of India. The list of famous medicinal trees in India also includes bahera tree,Albizia lebbeck, Maulsari, Indian Mahogany and E...
The suicide tree is native to India and other parts of Asia, Mostly found around the coastal salt swamps and in marshy areas and known to contain toxins which are dangerous for human. Strychnine Tree (Strychnos nux-vomica) Strychnine tree is also native to India and to southeast Asia, known...
A. Trees can absorb pollutants such as dust and carbon dioxide in the air, improving air quality. B. Trees can provide more shade, making the city cooler, and reducing the use of air conditioners. C. Trees can be used as building materials in the future, so planting them is a long -...
discusses those trees the foliage of which is used for animal fodder in India. It is the third edition of a small publication written by M. V. Laurie, then sylviculturist at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, first issued in 1939. It was quickly sold out, as also was the second...
CHANGSHA, May 6 (Xinhua) -- Foresters have found a large area of a rare tree species in central China's Hunan Province. Swathes of the catkin yew (Amentotarus argotaenia) cover an area of more than 20 square km on a 800-meter mountain in Daxi County. More than 700 trees have been...
Like in India, Tree Planting Day is on July 1st. 例如在印度,植树节在7月1日。 Tree Planting Day in Spain is on February 1st. 西班牙的植树节是在2月1日。 Tree Planting Day in Australia is on the first Friday in May. ...
This report contains a "Special Request" that asked readers around the state to send samples of native trees and shrubs to the author.The report contains a classification list of the various trees and shrubs along with information about where they can be found. A table shows at what ...
1-year-old seedlings in relation to distance from the nearest adult of pelong, seedling density and presence of light-gaps in a 1-ha plot for 78 weeks from August 1991. A total of 738 adult trees and saplings were found in the 50-ha plot. There were no saplings (1-2.5 cm dbh) ...
Also found in: Thesaurus. silk-cot·ton tree (sĭlk′kŏt′n) n. 1. See kapok tree. 2. Any of several trees having seeds surrounded by silky hairs, especially Bombax ceiba of tropical Asia. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by...
The Tree of Life in Bahrain is a mesquite tree which grows in the middle of desert. The tree is said to be 400 to 500 years old. Its long roots probably have found some underground water source, but it is still a miracle as it is the only green living organism living in a vast an...