import java.util.*; public class TreeMapSortByKeyDescending { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建一个TreeMap,并使用自定义的Comparator对键进行降序排序 TreeMap<Integer, String> treeMap = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder()); // 添加一些键值对 treeMap.put(...
Since we have provided the Comparator to sort by reverse natural order, the resulting map is sorted by descending alphabetical order forStringkey type. Map<String,String>reverseSortedTreeMap=newTreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder());reverseSortedTreeMap.putAll(map);System.out.print(reverseSortedTreeMa...
Object firstKey():它返回树映射中当前的第一个(最少)键。 Object lastKey():它返回树映射中当前的最后一个(最大)键。 Object ceilingKey(Object key):返回大于或等于给定键的最小键,如果没有这样的键则返回null。 Object higherKey(Object key):返回严格大于指定键的最小键。 NavigableMap descendingMap():它...
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key. boolean containsValue ( Object value) Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value. NavigableSet Set < Map.Entry < K , V descendingKeySet descendingEntrySet () Returns a reverse order NavigableSet ...
//sort by count TreeMap<Integer, String> countSortedHistogram = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : binMap.entrySet()) { countSortedHistogram.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } //collect high count items double confCount = 0; for(Integer count...
descendingMap() Returns a reverse order view of the mappings contained in this map. Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet() Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map. Map.Entry<K,V> firstEntry() Returns a key-value mapping associated with the least key in this map, or nu...
(sampleCount * confidenceLimitPercent) / 100; //sort by count TreeMap<Integer, String> countSortedHistogram = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : binMap.entrySet()) { countSortedHistogram.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } //collect high count ...
2. TreeMap with a custom Comparator (Descending Order) 带有自定义比较器的TreeMap(降序) This example demonstrates how to create a TreeMap with a custom comparator that orders the TreeMap entries in the descending order of keys - 本示例演示如何使用自定义比较器创建TreeMap,该自定义比较器按键的降...
NavigableMap<K,V> descendingMap() Method It returns to the specified pairs of the key-valuein descending pattern. NavigableMap<K,V> subMap(K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, Boolean toInclusive) Method It returns to the pairs of key-valuewhose keys range from fromKey to toKey....
TreeMap implements the NavigableMap interface. It uses an advanced data structure called theRed-Black Treesto store and sort the key-value pairs. Red-Black trees are very similar to normal Binary Search Trees. Just like a Binary Search Tree, a Red-Black tree will contain a root, a left ...