首先,我们新建项目并安装必要的依赖: npm install tree-sitter tree-sitter-javascript 然后准备一个待语法高亮的示例代码example.js,这里你也可以用自己的代码试试: // 定义一个变量letgreeting='Hello, World!';/** * 打印问候语 * @param{string}message - 要打印的消息 */functionprintGreeting(message){con...
npm init # This installs a small module that lets your parser be used from Node npm install --save nan # This installs the Tree-sitter CLI itself npm install --save-dev tree-sitter-cli # 为啥使用 --save-dev 可参考 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22891211/what-is-the-difference...
The following error message is displayed when runningpnpm installinside thenode_modules/tree-sitterfolder: prebuild-install WARN install No prebuilt binaries found (target=18.14.0 runtime=node arch=x64 libc= platform=linux)sh:1: node-gyp: not found I am not experienced with build systems, and...
Tree-sitter 是一个用于解析源代码的库,可以提取代码中的函数。下面是使用 Tree-sitter 提取函数的步骤: 1.首先,你需要安装 Tree-sitter 库。可以使用 pip 安装: pip install tree-sitter 2.接下来,你需要安装 Tree-sitter 的语言解析器。Tree-sitter 支持多种编程语言,你可以根据需要安装相应的解析器。例如,要...
我们使用:TSInstall <language>的命令可以下载指定语言的模块。这里我们使用:TSInstall lua来下载lua模块。后续我们可以使用:TSUpdate lua来更新该模块。跟packer类似的:TSUpdate即可以用来下载也可以用来更新。也就是一条命令就搞定了 安装完成之后我们可以使用:TSBufToggle highlight来使用treesitter进行高亮 ...
Hey, I was trying to install this locally using https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter?tab=readme-ov-file#adding-parsers. However, when I run tree-sitter generate I see the following error: $ tree-sitter generate Error processing rule escape_sequence Caused by: regex parse ...
它基于Tree-sitter语法解析器生成器,可用于创建自定义的语法解析器,并支持多种编程语言。 要在TypeScript中使用node-tree-sitter模块,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 步骤1:安装依赖在项目的根目录下打开终端,并执行以下命令来安装node-tree-sitter模块和相关的依赖: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install node-tree-sitt...
always be installed)ensure_installed = {"c"},-- Install parsers synchronously (only applied to `ensure_installed`)sync_install =false,-- Automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer-- Recommendation: set to false if you don't have `tree-sitter` CLI installed locallyauto_install =...
npm install tree-sitter Basic Usage Prerequisites First, you'll need a Tree-sitter grammar for the language you want to parse. There are manyexisting grammars, such astree-sitter-javascript. These grammars can typically be installed with a package manager like NPM, so long as the author has ...
You can install thetree-sitter-cliwithcargo: cargo install --locked tree-sitter-cli or withnpm: npm install tree-sitter-cli You can also download a pre-built binary for your platform fromthe releases page. Dependencies Thetree-sitterbinary itself has no dependencies, but specific commands have...