Tree-structuredindexingtechniquessupportbothrangeselectionsandequalityselections. ISAM:staticstructure;earlyindextechnology. B+tree:dynamic,adjustsgracefullyunderinsertsanddeletes. RangeSearches ``Findallstudentswithgpa>3.0’’ Ifdataisinsortedfile,dobinarysearchtofindfirstsuchstudent,thenscantofindothers. ...
The present invention provides a computer-readable medium and system for selecting a set of n-grams for indexing string data in a DBMS system. Aspects of the invention include providing a set of candidate n-grams, each n-gram comprising ... VH Hacigumus,BR Iyer,S Mehrotra - US 被引量:...
The log-structured mergetree (LSM-tree) is a disk-based data structure designed to provide low-cost indexing for a file experiencing a high rate of record inserts (and deletes) over an extended period. The LSM-tree uses an algorithm that defers and batches index changes, cascading the ...
In contrast, LPG is a native graph database model that excels in performance and scalability of storage and facilitates high-performance graph traversal; however, it is less suited for leveraging global data like RDF [20]. There are two primary methods to support spatial indexing in DBMSs: ...
LSB-Tree: A Log-Structured B-Tree Index Structure for NAND Flash SSDs. Des. Autom. Embed. Syst. 2015, 19, 77–100. [CrossRef] 42. Wang, J.; Lam, K.-Y.; Chang, Y.-H.; Hsieh, J.-W.; Huang, P.-C. Block-Based Multi-Version B-Tree for Flash-Based Embedded Database Sys-...