Abbreviations: ATM = Airborne thematic mapper; CHM = Canopy height model; CSR = Complete spatial randomness; GHD = Gap height diversity; GSCI = Gap shape complexity index; LiDAR = Light detection and ranging.doi:10.1658/1100-9233(2005)16[587:SRBTSA]2.0.CO;2Koukoulas...
Abbreviations A. alternata : Alternaria alternata RNA-seq: High-throughput RNA sequencing NR: Non-Redundant Protein Sequence NT: Nucleotide Sequence KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes KOG: Clusters of euKaryotic Orthologous Groups Pfam: Protein family GO: Gene Ontology TGICL: ...
Fisk MC, Yanai RD, Fierer N (2010) A molecular approach to quantify root community composition in a northern hardwood forest — testing effects of root species, relative abundance, and diameter. Can J For Res 40(4):836–841. Article CAS Google Scholar ...
The combined effects of assortative mating and natural selection in plant species have been investigated, theoretically and experimentally, several times, but usually in single populations. Analytical predictions and numerical simulations have mostly pre- dicted a stronger response to selection in the ...
0.795 0.604 Overall 94 22 22 0.968 0.968 Abbreviations: A, number of haplotypes; AP, number of private or endemic haplotypes; DRC, Democratic Republic of the Congo; hS and vS, gene diversity per location based on unordered and ordered alleles, respectively; n, sample size; NC, not ...
(Fig.1A 2,3). Many tree frog species have a cartilaginous intercalary element between the terminal and subterminal phalanx of each digit, which increases digit flexibility and facilitates axial rotations of the terminal phalanx (Fig.1A 2,3; e.g. [6,65,66]). In each digit, two tendons ...
In this study, we propose a panorama-based method to evaluate SVF and solar irradiance while accounting for the transmittance of tree canopies, which varies depending on tree species and health conditions. Hereafter, this approach is referred to as “Transmissive Canopy Method (TCM)”. In this ...
An open-access culture and a well-developed comparative-genomics infrastructure must be developed in forest trees to derive the full potential of genome sequencing in this diverse group of plants that are the dominant species in much of the earth's terrestrial ecosystems.Opportunities...
Abbreviations ABA: Abscisic Acid ATP: Adenosine triphosphate bp: Base pair cm: Centrimeter g: Gram Gly: Glycine H2O2: Hydrogen-peroxide Ile: Isoleucine In silico: Done/Produce using computer iTRAQ/MS: Isobaric Tag for Relative and Absolute Quantitation and Mass Spectrometry ...
on random subsamples of 30 trees per species distributed over the whole DBH range and estimated based on dendrometric diameter height equations (Ehring et al.1999) for the remaining individuals. Mean age was available as stand-level information (see list of variables and abbreviations in Table2)...