All domain controllers in the forest must inbound replicate the removal of the demoted domain controller's NTDS file system settings object. This object is located in the configuration partition. The NTDS settings object is the parent of Active Directory connection objects that are visible...
To estimate the functional composition of each sample, we implemented a similarity search approach using DIAMOND (version 2.0.5; options -k 5 -e 1e-4–sensitive) in blastx mode106. Prior to that, the quality-filtered read pairs were merged using sdm. The mapping scores of two unmerged ...
To estimate taxonomic sam- pling effects, the relative BA of each tree species was log-ratio transformed (Szava-Kovats et al., 2011). Besides species richness, we calculated both Shan- non and Simpson indices of diversity for trees and understorey vascular plants (Magurran, 1988). To account...
Here’s what I now have (but with a different center, around 0.0015, because of the removal of outgroups): For turnoverFBD, I used a uniform 0 to 1 distribution, as in Tracy’s tutorial: Each of the three taxon sets (one for each fossil) contain the set of species that form ...
Navarro proofed the low-cost of UAV quantitatively by using UAV-SfM data to estimate the parameters of mangrove forests (Navarro et al., 2020). And Osco also used UAV to acquisition images and geolocating citrus-trees in orchards (Osco et al., 2020). Especially in small areas and high-...
The OrthoMCL pipeline [88] was used to identify and estimate the number of paralogous and orthologous gene clusters within Euphorbiaceae and across various plant groups. Standard settings (BLASTP, E-value < 10-5) were used to compute the all-against-all similarities. ...
All domain controllers in the forest must inbound replicate the removal of the demoted domain controller's NTDS file system settings object. This object is located in the configuration partition. The NTDS settings object is the parent of Active Directory connection objects that are visibl...
The OrthoMCL pipeline [88] was used to identify and estimate the number of paralogous and orthologous gene clusters within Euphorbiaceae and across various plant groups. Standard settings (BLASTP, E-value < 10-5) were used to compute the all-against-all similarities. ...
Plant height (in centimeters) and the number of branches on each plant were measured for five randomly selected micropropagated plants and ex vitro plants that were maintained in a greenhouse. At the same time, leaves from each plant were taken and analyzed spectrophotometrically to estimate the ...
Because the crown sizes were not provided by the dataset, we cannot estimate the crown sizes. However, the heights and the crown sizes were both predicted by Tree RCNN. Meanwhile, the crown sizes were highly related to the heights. Therefore, if a dataset records the crown sizes of trees,...