Contemporary Poets Nobel Prize Poets American Poets English PoetsEmily Dickinson Poems Back to Poems PageShe slept beneath a tree by Emily DickinsonShe slept beneath a tree --Remembered but by me.I touched her Cradle mute --She recognized the foot --Put on her carmine suitAnd see! Email This...
The Maple Treeby John Clare The Maple with its tassell flowers of green That turns to red, a stag horn shapèd seed Just spreading out its scallopped leaves is seen, Of yellowish hue yet beautifully green. Bark ribb'd like corderoy in seamy screed That farther up the stem is smoother s...
Readers my age and older will remember the song "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918): "I think that I will never see / a poem lovely as a tree". (Listen here for a wonderful rendition byPaul Robeson). The reverence expressed in the last two lines of the poem – "Poems are made b...
41K Learn about the poet William Blake. Read about his poems, quotes, and biography. Discover who William Blake was and learn facts about his life and work. Related to this QuestionWhat figurative symbolism is used in A Poison Tree by William Blake? What imagery is used in "A Poison...
Poe was reinstated by White after promising good behavior, and he went back to Richmond with Virginia and her mother. He remained at the Messenger until January 1837. He published several poems, book reviews, critiques, and stories in the paper. Poe's novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon ...
Ovid's main surviving works are the Metamorphoses, a source of inspiration to artists and poets including Chaucer and Shakespeare; the Fasti, a poetic treatment of the Roman year of which Ovid finished only half; the Amores, love poems; the Ars Amatoria, not moral but clever and in parts ...
What are some odes written by John Keats? How did William Butler Yeats' poems influence other writers of his time? What contributions did John Keats make to Romanticism? What poets did Robert Browning particularly admire? What did William Wordsworth write?
John Clare Poems The Shepherd's Treeby John Clare Huge elm, with rifted trunk all notched and scarred, Like to a warrior's destiny! I love To stretch me often on thy shadowed sward, And hear the laugh of summer leaves above; Or on thy buttressed roots to sit, and lean...
题目Osmanthus(桂花)is one of the most beloved autumn flowers.It is widely planted in China,with a very long planting history of more than 2,500 years.This famous plant even appeared in The Classic of Mountains and Seas(《山海经》).And the flowers are seen in the cities of...
Tree poems by famous poets and best tree poems to feel good. Best tree poems ever written. Read all poems about tree from aroun the world.