位于中心广场的这棵树将以参与者分享的故事为养分不断生长,当故事充满爱时,它是“tree of love”;当故事关于经历,它是“tree of experience”,当故事充满回忆,它是“tree of memories”……. 人们在树下写下自己珍藏的生活瞬间,而后捡起别人留下的故事叶片,以此交换,由此展开一段新的故事。现场记数屏将实时记...
The Tree of Life《生命之树(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我奠定大地根基的时候 你在哪里呢 那时晨星一起歌hearts;唱 上帝的众子也都欢呼 引自约伯记第三十八章 四 七两节 弟弟 Brother... 母亲 Mother... 是他们把我领到你们的门前 It was they who led me to your d
yet the public’s initial skepticism vanished the moment they laid eyes on the Tree of Life. Sixty colossal petals, reinforced by a sturdy trunk, perfectly utilized the central space, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors within the first week. The Tree of Life became the city’s new lan...
生命之树(The_Tree_of_Life)2011_中英对照_台词本_单词标注 热度: 相关推荐 我奠定大地根基的时候你在哪里呢 那时晨星一起歌♥唱 上帝的众子也都欢呼 引自约伯记第三十八章四七两节 弟弟 Brother... 母亲 Mother... 是他们把我领到你们的门前 Itwastheywholedmetoyourdoor. 扪心自问生命之路有两条 Aman...
although at its end it has images that will evoke them for some people. It functions to pull us back from the distractions of the moment, and focus us on mystery and gratitude. Not long after its beginning we apparently see the singularity of the Big Bang, when the universe came into ex...
The absoluteness of possession pleased them, and they realized it as the first moment of their experience under their own exclusive roof-tree. 虽然他们只租了两个房间,但是他们却可以完全占用整个屋子,意识到这是他们两个人第一次领略独处一室的经验这使他们大为高兴。 2. The limestone is sufficiently ...
a这一切都源于来自世界各地的人的关爱和帮助,爱无界限,没有界限的相互关爱相互帮助,让生命之树常绿。 All these source comes from world each place person's showing loving concern with the help, loves without the boundary, does not have the boundary to show loving concern mutually helps, to let ...
我们将SM天桥改装成为了一个公共实验空间,设计了六道与人们生活息息相关的问题,希望人们在横跨天桥的过程中也完成一次了解自我、与自我对话的走心旅程。 每道问题的选项大屏上会实时显示该选项的已选人数——你是努力生活的大多数?还是态度鲜明的小众存在? 这一份步入式开放问卷,等你作答。
生命之树(TheTreeofLife)2011 Brother... Mother... Itwastheywholedmetoyourdoor. Aman’shearthasheardtwowaysthroughlife. Thewayofnature. Andthewayofgrace. Youhavetochoosewhichoneyou’llfollow. Gracedoesn’ttrytopleaseitself. Itacceptsbeingslighted,forgotten,disliked. ...
Rising through the roof is the Tower of the Sun, inside Which stands a 160- ?foot ?tall Tree of Life. 穿过屋顶矗立着太阳之塔,在里面有一棵160英尺高的生命之树。 相邻词汇 同音词、形近词、关联词及派生词... hit the roof flat roof floating roof tank floating roof gable roof tree roof tr...