on one hand, a great flood of new molecular characters in the form of sequences is now available, whereas on the other hand, there appears to be a major extinction event induced by human activity, the result of which is that information about species, many of them as-yet unknown, is be...
Where across the tree of life do we see cell-in-cell phenomena? Are they associated with a ‘selfish’ phenomenon like cancer? Were cell-in-cell phenomena required for, or just incidental to, the transition to obligate multicellularity? In this review, we focus on the role of cell-in-...
The successful colonization of new habitats has played a fundamental role during the evolution of life. Salinity is one of the strongest barriers for organisms to cross, which has resulted in the evolution of distinct marine and non-marine (including bot
Xi told students how to plant trees and enquired about their study and daily life. He asked them how old their parents were, whether biology lessons were taught in primary school, how much knowledge they had about plants, how much homework and extracurricular tutoring they had now. He also ...
A child waters a tree at Wuzhong Village in Qiaoxi District of Xingtai City, north China's Hebei Province, March 11, 2019. Students from Guoshoujing Primary School took part in a tree-planting activity to greet the upcoming Tree Planting Day, also known as Arbor Day, which falls on ...
Each class opens the memory box of dream time, and the representatives of each class express their opinions on the six-year primary school life and the future life. 孕育新梦想,共筑新时代——李书老师收集学生希望明信片。Nurturing new dreams and building a new era together.---Mr. Li Shu coll...
We present reference-quality genome assembly and annotation for the stout camphor tree (Cinnamomum kanehirae (Laurales, Lauraceae)), the first sequenced member of the Magnoliidae comprising four orders (Laurales, Magnoliales, Canellales and Piperales) and over 9,000 species. Phylogenomic analysis ...
That is, with increased propagule pressure of non-natives species exerted by humans, the relative importance of ecological drivers may be reduced. Moreover, sites with high levels of non-native propagule pressure due to human activity are also likely to be heavily disturbed, compounding this ...
Ant Forest, a green initiative on the world's leading payment and lifestyle platform Alipay, was honored on Thursday for turning the "green good deeds of half a billion people" into real trees planted in some of China's most arid regions. ...