Some nurseries dig trees when the ground is frozen. The frozen surface of the ball replaces the burlap and wire basket. The frozen ball is actually only frozen a few inches around the root ball surface and must not be allowed to thaw out or freeze solid until it is installed. The instal...
Considering the confined distribution and threatened status, the long-term persistence ofW. salutarisshould be secured by conserving the maximum genetic diversity of the species. As it is impossible to designate every natural wild plant habitat as a protected area, nurseries could be implemented to en...
using the net present value (NPV) approach. The TBI systems had 33% to 36% more C storage than adjacent non-TBI systems. The financial benefits of C sequestration after 10 years of TBI practices amounted to of $2,259–$2,758 CAD ha−1and $1,568–$1,913 CAD ha−1for St. ...