Tree mortality during long-term droughts is lower in structurally complex forest standsIncreasing drought frequency and severity in a warming climate threaten forest ecosystems with widespread tree deaths. Canopy structure is important in regulating tree mortality during drought, but how it functions ...
Tree mortality during long-term droughts is lower in structurally complex forest stands 2023, Nature Communications Dendrogenomics Is a New Interdisciplinary Field of Research of the Adaptive Genetic Potential of Forest Tree Populations Integrating Dendrochronology, Dendroecology, Dendroclimatology, and Genomics...
Severe droughts have caused widespread tree mortality across many forest biomes with profound effects on the function of ecosystems and carbon balance. Climate change is expected to intensify regional-scale droughts, focusing attention on the physiologic
We thus suggest that long-term observations, experiments, and models should be tightly interwoven during the research process to better forecast future climate changes and evaluate their impacts on forests. 展开 关键词: biome shift carbon starvation mechanistic tree mortality modeling forest die-off ...
ofecosystemsandcarbonbalance.Climatechangeisexpectedtointensifyregional-scaledroughts,focusingattention onthephysiologicalbasisofdrought-inducedtreemortality.Recentworkhasshownthatcatastrophicfailureofthe planthydraulicsystemisaprincipalmechanisminvolvedinextensivecrowndeathandtreemortalityduringdrought, ...
Why is Tree Drought Mortality so Hard to Predict? Anna T.Trugman, ...Nathan L.Stephenson, inTrends in Ecology & Evolution, 2021 Ecological and Physiological Complexity Mediate Tree Drought Responses Understanding and predicting the drivers of tree mortality during and following drought is a long-st...
Tree mortality is an important process of forest stand dynamics and knowledge of it is fundamental to implement adequate management strategies. Subject to
Vegetation greening has been suggested to be a dominant trend over recent decades, but severe pulses of tree mortality in forests after droughts and heatwaves have also been extensively reported. These observations raise the question of to what extent the observed severe pulses of tree mortality ind...
Long-term drought related to weakened North Atlantic Oscillation and frequent El Niño events are the likely factors causing the tree mortality in a large area of the plateau. Our findings suggest that, besides the effect of drought in the late 18th century, large-scale forest mortality may ...
Tree canopies are considered to effectively buffer climate extremes and to mitigate climate change effects. Droughts, which are predicted to become more frequent in the course of climate change, might alter the microclimatic cooling potential of trees. However, our understanding of how microclimate at...