Blender Market The indie market for Blender creators Explore Marketplace Become a Creator Login or Signup Almond Tree 3D Modelby mehrazvira in Models About FAQ Documentation Ratings This high-quality 3D model features a meticulously detailed almond tree in full bloom. The model includes a ...
环境: Blender 3.6.1, windows10 参数: 线框模式 文件: 1.blend 说明: Blender工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动截图生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示: 由于云检查并不是人工进行的,此项检查存在诸多因素(如视角设置不佳等)导致约有8%的模型还不能很好的...
Models 114 Templates 0 Renders 661 File Formats Software Formats Blender (BLEND) 48 Spline (SPLINE) 0 Universal Formats OBJ 94 FBX 51 GLTF 5 GLB 25 Polycount New Polycount SelectionPick Low Poly for speed or High Poly for detail, set 0 if not needed. 0Any Low Poly 35 Properties New Anim...
Models 26 Templates 4 Renders 1,427 File Formats Software Formats Blender (BLEND) 11 Spline (SPLINE) 4 Universal Formats OBJ 19 FBX 15 GLTF 1 GLB 6 Polycount New Polycount SelectionPick Low Poly for speed or High Poly for detail, set 0 if not needed. 0Any Low Poly 8 Properties New Ani...
coniferous trees, new shrub and pine variations, installer is now one big .zip file, fixed issues with missing textures and altered some materials, added "Find Missing Files" for botaniq when textures/models are missing and redid most of the naming system to be more consistent for the future...
Blender工具内截图 线框模式 云检查 收起 方式: Blender工具内截图 环境: Blender 3.4.1, windows10 参数: 线框模式 文件: 1.blend 说明: Blender工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动截图生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示: 由于云检查并不是人工进行的,...
Adds nodes for common UI elements in major frameworks (html, mui, android, .NET) Executes to generate description-image pairs It subclasses Computer Interaction, so provides controlled way to generate demos of particular UI interactions Blender (Programming) ...
Blender ✦ 3D models ✦ Renders Spline ✦ 3D for web ✦ 3D Models Casestudies Powered by lofi and matcha. Your Order Designing email communications to keep patients informed UX/UI Illustration Branding Mercy's Journey Creating a narrative that interweaves patients, care providers, and techno...
FAIR wood shaving machine can process logs, branches, planks, and other wood within 30 cm into wood shavings, divided into multiple models, with an output of 300-3000kg/h. It can meet different needs. 1. Used to make beds for animals, such as chickens, rabbits, horses, cows, she...
之前对Web3D并不了解,最近跟着大帅的训练营,通过三天的学习,了解了blender的操作和three.js。下面就用几十行js代码实现一个带动态效果的甜甜圈。 准备 模型获取 模型处理:blender tree.js基础api 基础场景 scene:场景(容器)。new THREE.Scene()...