Marathi: Ratan gunj, Raktacandana (रक्तचंदन), Thorla goonj (थोरला गुंज), Raktachandana (रक्तचंदन) Myanmar: Mai-chek Nauruan: Bin Netherlands: Koraal-boom, sandelhout, rood Niuean: Pomea Oriya: Sokakainjo Other: Dschem...
Marathi: Nagakeshara (नागकेशर), Nagachampa, Nāgacāphā (नागचाफा), Nagchafa (नागचंपा ), Nagchampa, , Nagchampe, Thorlachampa (थोरलाचांपा), Thorla chafa Meghalaya (Garo):Kimde Myanmar: Kant Kaw, gang...
A continued Panda update, these were implemented by Google to occur separately from the main index, meaning they weren’t happening in real time. Panda Update 2.1 (#3) – May 9, 2011 While this is sometimes referred to as the update Panda 3.0, it was confirmed by Google that it was ...