They live in New York with their parents. Greg and Jessica are children, but they have a house. It's a tree house! It's near their grandparents' house in Kansas. Their tree house has one room. It's a living room(客厅)with a desk and three chairs. It's small, but Greg and ...
【题目】 A house in a tree!Greg is 12 years old, and his sister, Jessic a is 8.T hey live in New York with their parents. Greg and Jessic a are children, but they have a house. It's a tr ee house! It's near their grandparents' house in Kans as. T heir tree house has ...
2013年8月,设计师 Almasov Aibek 对树屋的设计提出了新的想法,他设想了一个特殊的透明的树屋,跟传统树屋不太一样,它是一座圆柱体建筑,围绕树木而建,换句话说,它体量相对更大,一棵真实的树将从中央穿过整个楼房中。项目的名字叫做“树在屋中(Tree in the House)”。 项目设想将这座建筑建在树林中(目前还没...
C级最后一本啦,完结啦!撒花!, 视频播放量 2669、弹幕量 2、点赞数 37、投硬币枚数 12、收藏人数 46、转发人数 19, 视频作者 爆爆涕恩涕, 作者简介 ,相关视频:海尼曼英文分级阅读 1-6阶动画片,字母积木最新第5季来啦,全1-5季共132集(视频+音频),【全集900集】英语
The tree holds off the wind and keeps the wind from blowing the roof off the house sometimes. 这棵树能挡住风,保护你家的房顶。 A tree is nice to plant.You dig the biggest hole you can and put the little tree in. Then you...
【题目】 A house in a tree!Greg is 12 years old, and his sister, Jessica,is 8. They live in New York with their parents.Greg and Jessic a are children, but they have a house. It's a tree house! It's near their grandparents' house in Kansas. Their tree house has one room. ...
A house in a tree!Greg is 12 years old, and his sister, Jessica,is 8. They live in New York with their parents.Greg and Jessic a are children, but they have a house. It's a tree house! It's near their grandparents' house in Kansas. Their tree house has one room. It's a li...
Magic Tree House《神奇树屋》是美国最大出版集团企鹅兰登书屋经典之作,被誉为初级章节书的“鼻祖”,是纽约时报畅销榜的常青树,并入选美国国家教育协会推荐的世界100部最经典童书。其篇幅不长、语言精炼且口语化、以及引人入胜的情节设...
欢迎收听由主播外研社少儿出版分社为您带来的“The House in the Tree爱的树屋-《丽声三叶草分级读物第五级》”精彩有声内容,该音频时长8分6秒,已被收听1541次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“Birthday Balloons生日气球-《丽声三叶草分级读物第五级》”、“Jolly Roger and th
"I am making a tree house,"said Bear. “我在做一个树屋,” "Will you help me cut the wood?" 熊说道。“你能帮我砍木头吗?” "I can't help you,"said Mouse."I am too busy." “我帮不了你,”老鼠说道。“我忙。” Bear cut the wood a...