In a community ceremony, under the shade of an acacia tree, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) formally [...] 本月在金合欢婆娑树影下的一 个社区仪式上,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)在肯尼亚莱基比亚的Il Ngwesi正式向马赛社区的Kisio酋长和其他长老移交了用以帮助马赛人民保存记...
Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and parts of the Southern US. They get their name from their bark, which grows in shades of green, blue, orange, red, and purple.Eucalyptuscomes from the Greekkalyptós, meaning “covered, wrapped.” As the tree grows, the bark peels off in strips...
B、With the tree growing tall, we get more shade. C、For the tree to grow tall, we get more shade. D、When the tree grows tall, we get more shade. AI智答 联系客服周一至周五 08:30-18:00 剩余次数:0 Hello, 有问题你可以尝试问问我...
大量翻译例句关于"lit. idly poke a stick in the mud and it grows Ina tree to shade you" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
Pimento of commerce is the dried unripe fruits ofP. dioicaL. Merr., anevergreen treethat grows to a height of 8–12m and belonging to the familyMyrtaceae. Pimento is the major spice of Jamaica contributing 70% of the world's production. It is grown to a certain extent in Mexico, Hondur...
I pointed to a nest above us in a gum tree. The tree is not used commercially because it rarely grows to merchantable size. Many wildlife species use its acorns as food, and cherrybark oak makes a fine shade tree. ...
Ohio buckeye- a buckeye with scaly grey bark that is found in the central United States bottlebrush buckeye,dwarf buckeye- a spreading shrub with pink flowers; found in southeastern United States red buckeye- a shrub buckeye of southern United States ...
The ultimate goal of tree ecophysiology is to determine why a certain tree grows where it does. The complex answer includes the following elements: itsseedor source; its fitness for survival, growth, and reproduction in that particular habitat; and its ability to compete favourably with other inh...
Fast Growing Shade Trees If you really need a shade tree as soon as possible, that can be done too. For the fastest tree of all, plant a Willow Hybrid, thatgrows ten feet in a single year. In literally no time at all you will have a large shade tree in your yard. Other fast-gro...
possum oak,Quercus nigra,water oak- relatively tall deciduous water oak of southeastern United States often cultivated as a shade tree; thrives in wet soil Nuttall oak,Nuttall's oak,Quercus nuttalli- similar to the pin oak; grows in damp sites in Mississippi River basin ...