1.(Animals) any arboreal frog of the familyHylidae, chiefly of SE Asia, Australia, and America. They are strong jumpers and have long toes ending in adhesive discs, which assist in climbing 2.(Animals) any of various other arboreal frogs of different families ...
soft-shell turtlesandfrogs)inthe past two decades has slightly eroded the dominance of finfish in production. fao.org fao.org 过去二十年淡水养殖甲壳类和其他 物种(例如甲鱼和蛙)的发展对产量中鱼类的支配地位稍有影响。 fao.org fao.org [...] ...
In hisBeeplants and Whiptails,Larry Hyslop describes an encounter with treefrogs in Zion National Park, “Across the pond, the now familiar call of a male frog is a sound much too loud for such a small frog. It is nothing humans would call beautiful although I assume it sounds good to ...
Because each bulk bag of Gummy Tree Frogs contains about 200 frogs, which amounts to five heaping pounds of tastiness. After you sample your first frog, you’ll understand why they come in such big quantities; they’re too good to eat in small portions! You’ll want to binge on these...
As you can see, frogs are so flexible that they can adjust their bodies in milliseconds to grab onto the surface with their feet, hands and even their bellies to ensure a safe landing. What happens if they miss, you ask? Have you ever played Frogger? What happens when you jump onto th...
We conducted playback trials with female treefrogs to test whether their willingness to invest in obtaining a more attractive mate (quantified by "choosiness") differed depending on the presence and type of predation risk. We found that females adjusted their approach behavior in a way that ...
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In eastern gray treefrogs (H. versicolor), vocalizing involves a higher absolute metabolic increase above resting metabolism owing to the larger muscle mass experiencing aerobic activity; clasping, on the other hand, demands a relatively higher aerobic respiration per gram of muscle tissue (McLister...
Carotenoid distribution in wild Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica) exposed to ionizing radiation in Fukushima Mathieu Giraudeau, Jean-Marc Bonzom, Simon Ducatez, Karine Beaugelin-Seiller, Pierre Deviche, Thierry Lengagne, Isabelle Cavalie, Virginie Camilleri, Christelle Adam-Guillermin &...
Identifying homology between sex chromosomes of different species is essential to understanding the evolution of sex determination. Here, we show that the identity of a homomorphic sex chromosome pair can be established using a linkage map, without infor