For 3 breeding seasons(1991-1993) , we studied a gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor) population in southern Ontario. we identified the number of vocalizing males every night of the breeding season and recorded mating events. Breeding seasons varied from 4 to 7 wks in length and number of nights...
Recent visits to Jamaica Bay, in addition to providing a wealth of bird sightings, have allowed me to see someGray Tree Frogs(Hyla versicolor) up close and personal. They are particularly likely to be found hiding in cracks and crevices in the bird blind at Big John’s Pond, a fact I ...
Environmental factors influencing trematode prevalence in grey tree frog (Hyla versicolor) tadpoles in southern Ontario The emergence or increased prevalence of various parasites may be linked to alterations in host-parasite interactions caused by environmental changes. We i... Koprivnikar,Baker,RL,.....
making the tree home to a wide variety of animals, including various birds, lizards, squirrels, tree frogs, snakes, scorpions, spiders and insects. The tree's cavities are large enough to hold humans. Missionary explorer David Livingstone described in a report a baobab whose hollow trunk housed...