doi:10.18261/issn.2535-7913-2021-01-02-05Theodore StickleyMichael Craig WatsonAda HuiBasharat Hussain
To build the database, we surveyed the literature, on-line databases, and expert scientists to obtain species-level descriptions of the traits listed inTables 1and2. For many species, data were obtained from the initial taxonomic description of the species or from subsequent primary literature abo...
Write a clear changelist description Automate the easy stuff Answer questions with the code itself Narrowly scope changes Separate functional and non-functional changes Respond graciously to critiques Artfully solicit missing information Award all ties to your reviewer Minimize lag between rounds of review...
During the preparation of this work the author(s) did not use generative AI and/or AI-assisted technologies in the writing process. Declaration of competing interest The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Ten...
Website (UI, Creative): Makes { news, wiki, project, business, entertainment } sites Generic Use-Cases node-tree for demo-description pair synthesis. Useful for imitation learning and training generative models The task description is attached to the root when done ...
Tree testing is a user experience (UX) research method to evaluate how easily users can find key resources and information on a website or app.
The Life and Work of Jack Cardiffalong with a number of the films that showed off his great skill, both as a cinematographer and a director. It’s a great opportunity to see some of his color work that that been calleddecadentby some writers. When I read that description, I nodded beca...
s中的x代表初始输入(比如problem_description),z是生成的中间结果(比如thought_text)。具体实现方面,thought generator可对应到LangChain中的ProposePromptStrategy类。 (3) 还需要一个state evaluator用来对thought generator得到的state做评估,用V(p, S)表示,其中p代表模型,S代表上述s的集合即状态集。在LangChain中...
(based on the quantitative particle size analysis of the clay, silt and sand fractions, or estimated from the qualitative description and the USDA texture triangle: e.g., “silty loam” corresponds to clay = 150 mg g−1, silt = 650 mg g−1, and sand = 200 mg g−...
This requires a better description and measurement of the soil carbon chemical pools [49, 72]. Furthermore, mechanistic and dynamic models need to be built and calibrated on temporal data to predict soil carbon dynamics [49, 71], and to consider the context-dependency of the microbial ...