Topics covered are basic pitch notation (treble clef), note values and rhythmic notation, time signatures, sharps and flats, and, later, major scale construction, common guitar keys and key signatures, and open-position treble-string chords. Alfred's Basic Guitar Theory 1 & 2: For a Practical...
What is the function of a clef? What instruments play bass clef? What key has six sharps? What are accidentals in music? What is the key signature for B Major? How to figure out what key a song is in What is the highest key in music?
C Sharp Major Scale Diagrams Here’s a diagram of the C# major scale on the treble clef. Here’s a diagram of the C# major scale on the bass clef. Video: Here’s the C# major scale on piano. Scale Degrees C# is the tonic of the C-sharp major scale. D# is the supertonic of th...
Here’s the E flat harmonic minor scale on the treble clef. Here’s the E flat harmonic minor scale on the bass clef. E Flat Melodic Minor Scale Let’s now learn how to form the E flat melodic minor scale. While the harmonic minor scale raises only the seventh note of the natural m...