旧金山和约(TreatyofSanFrancisco) ThefulltextoftheSanFranciscopeacetreaty InviewoftheUnionandJapanrelations,willbethefuture ofsovereignequality,friendshipandcooperation,topromote thecommonwelfare,maintaininginternationalpeaceand security,thus,decidedtosignapeacetreatytosolvethe ...
which will notify each of the other signatories of such deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force as soon as the ratifications of the signatories have been deposited.[1]
(Australia,NewZealand,UnitedStates),amilitaryalliancebetweenAustralia,NewZealand,andtheUSAformedby atreatysignedinSanFrancisco(USA)onSept.1,1951.ThetreatywentintoeffectonApr.29,1952;itsperiodofvalidityisnotspecified.ANZUSmembersparticipatedinthepreparationofSEATOandbecamemembersofthatorganization.ANZUSisoneofthe...
Maryland, Tennessee and North Dakota – with no consequences for the responsible utilities. Oil spills in Massachusetts, Idaho and Washington, all of which caused the subsequent deaths of many birds, did not prompt any penalties. Landscapers in San Diego...
It is recognized that under Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace which Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on 8 September 1951 (hereinafter referred to as the San Francisco Treaty), Japan has renounced all right, title, and claim to Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) as well...
Sailing around Cape Horn, it arrived in San Francisco, after some stops in South America, on 6 May 1908. Here the Maine and Alabama were detached, for mechanical problems, and replaced by the Nebraska and Wisconsin. (After repairs, the Maine and Alabama completed a circumnavigation on their ...