Legal nature of the clause rebus sic stantibus in the doctrine of public international law belongs to one of the most controversial, central and difficult issues. There are totally opposite views on whether the rule of rebus sic stantibus a legal rule or not. In theory, a lot of discussion ...
Cannabis currently is in the category of the most controlled substances under a 1961 international treaty, deemed to be more dangerous than any therapeutic benefits are worth. FDA To Re-Open Public Comments On Descheduling Cannabis Under International Treaty The Treaty on Open Skies is a multilatera...
International LawSources of International LawTreatyInterpretationHistory of International LawHermeneuticsDualistic ThinkingLauterpachtInternational Court of JusticeThe treaty occupies a very special place in international legal practice, as well as in the consciousness and imagination of international lawyers. ...
TREATY, international law. A treaty is a compact made between two or more independent nations with a view to the public welfare treaties are for a perpetuity, or for a considerable time. Those matters which are accomplished by a single act, and are at once perfected in their execution, are...
Currently various international treaties require contracting States to disseminate the text of international conventions and to promote public education concerning relevant issues of international law. In this regard, the teaching of international law has an important contribution to make in effectuating the...
Labour Commissionermeans the individual appointed as Labour Commissioner in terms of in section 120; National Treasurymeans the National Treasury established by section 5 of the Public Finance Management Act; tax treatymeans an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation entered into between South Af...
Treaties are designed to regularize the intercourse of nations, and, as such, they are the source of most international law. In some countries treaties are a part of the law of the land and are binding upon all persons. In the United States the Supreme Court has held that a treaty autom...
International environmental law : a study of the interrelationship between general international law and treaty law in the field of environmental management with an examination of legal documents relevant to the preservation of nature by Bo Johnson LiberFörlag, 1976 出版时间: 1976 ISBN: 9138027631 ...
Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, Dec...