Indeed, the rivers have been crucial for the agricultural-driven South Asian economies. Alongside agriculture, they play a pivotal role in energy generation, industries, and environment preservation. The increasing population and lesser water supplies under the changing climate are considered to be the...
Hence, this has decreased the benefits obtained by Britain and France. In addition, this only caused greater problems by several nations during the World War II. For Germany, war reparations that were in the form of coal had become an intensive punishment. The treaty stated that the country ...
To ensure the civilization of the Indians entering into this treaty, the necessity of education is admitted, especially of such of them as are or may be settled on said agricultural reservations, and they therefore pledge themselves to compel their children, male and female, between the ages of...
The nature and amount of the products which shall enjoy the benefits of this regime shall be communicated each year to the German Government. The amount of each product which may be thus sent annually into Germany shall not exceed the average of the amounts sent annually in the years 1911-1...