Cannabis contains more than 100 different terpenoids as well. The distinctive smell of marijuana comes from these molecules- terpenoids are what the police dogs are trained to smell when searching for weed. Hemp strains used for the production of CBD oil are not as aromatic as marijuana; therefor...
We have many other things in the conversation that we talk about, important reminders about ways that we can help ourselves, calm ourselves down, get that safety feeling in the moment, and also fe...
Because men do not go through a well-defined period referred to as menopause, some doctors refer to this problem as androgen(testosterone) decline in theagingmale -- or what some people calllow testosterone. It is normal for men to experience a decline in the production of the male hormone ...
Guestover a year ago Hi, Atiwan is very serious medication which causes mental and physical addiction. It is very difficult to stop using it if someone did it for a longer period of time. Symptoms which appear in such situation are very similar to withdrawal from alcohol. Patient is experie...
advice might be better. Opiate addiction is a very difficult thing to overcome. Even people who have sought help don't stop a lot of times. If you can even get support from ANYONE ask them to hold what you need and follow a taper and rough it out, than best of ...
Today I'm doin o-kay,,finally had back surgery and found that alil weed takes that edge off when you need that sleep,,it's not for all but it works for me...I do get flash backs of things I did and it wasn't me in control it was oxy,,,I still cannot get thoughts together...