In contrast to most fields of medicine, progress to discover and develop new and improved psychiatric drugs has been slow and disappointing. The vast majority of currently prescribed drugs to treat schizophrenia, mood and anxiety disorders are arguably n
Before the advent of pharmacotherapy, in the 1930s and 1940s, there was a time of great enthusiasm surrounding the new somatic treatments that were being developed for psychiatric disorders (Shorter and Healy, 2007). Insulin coma and malarial fever therapy, for example, were intensely studied ...
Objectives: To examine the efficacy of antidepressants and psychological therapies in preventing the relapse and recurrence of depression in older people. Search methods: We performed a search of the Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Group's specialised register (the CCMDCTR) to 13 July 2015. The ...
their minds. Instead of letting out demons, as the treatment was originally intended, he thought the body’s fluids were out of balance. As such, “he purged, blistered, vomited, and bled his patients,” writes Mary de Young inMadness: An American History of Mental Illness and Its ...
(4) Rush, on the other hand, advocated for the removal of chains from most patients with mental illness in the Pine Building of the Pennsylvania Hospital, as well as advising the removal of patients from the building's unheated basement. (1) Hollow wheels. In the late 18th century, ...
A systematic review of experi- mental treatments for mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Free Rad Biol Med 2009; 47: 1517- 25Dare A, Phillips A, Hickey A et al. A systematic review of experi- mental treatments for mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis and ...
It remains unclear whether this drug response is predictive or may even serve to kindle risk of later bipolar illness (Goldsmith et al, 2011). The first section of our review will discuss the appealing opportunities for treatment at critical points in develop- ment, highlighting the current ...
Humans are naturally variable in thought, behaviour and action across the spectrum of health and illness. However, individual variability cannot be examined precisely using conventional statistical approaches that de-emphasize individual differences by, for example, assuming normality and homogeneity of the...
The human body is in constant motion, from every breath that we take, to every visibly purposeful action that we perform. Remaining completely still on command is a major achievement as involuntary fluctuations in our motions are difficult to keep under