Before the advent of pharmacotherapy, in the 1930s and 1940s, there was a time of great enthusiasm surrounding the new somatic treatments that were being developed for psychiatric disorders (Shorter and Healy, 2007). Insulin coma and malarial fever therapy, for example, were intensely studied ...
It is also known asLou Gehrig's disease, for the legendary New York Yankees player who was stricken with it in the late 1930s. "ALS may be considered a rare disease, but it's actually more common than people think, affecting 1 in 300 Americans. It can strike anyone at anytime and i...
It remains unclear whether this drug response is predictive or may even serve to kindle risk of later bipolar illness (Goldsmith et al, 2011). The first section of our review will discuss the appealing opportunities for treatment at critical points in develop- ment, highlighting the current ...
While terrifying mental health remedies can be traced back to prehistoric times, it’s the dawn of the asylum era in the mid-1700s that marks a period of some of the most inhumane mental health treatments. This is when asylums themselves became notorious warehouses for the mentally ill. “...
Yet, even today research continues to prove what Otto Warburg discovered so many decades ago; hypothyroidism's role in the development of cancer. For example, the research recognizing the role of hypothyroidism and thyroid disease in breast cancer is overwhelming. Following are just a few of the...
Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental illness which involves three groups of symptoms, i.e., positive, negative and cognitive, and has major public health implications. According to various sources, it affects up to 1% of the population. The pathomechanism of schizophrenia is not fully understood...
The dopaminergic hypothesis of schizophrenia was proposed for the first time in the 1960s when chlorpromazine was introduced as the first antipsychotic and proved to treat positive symptoms of the disease [23]. Subsequently, the discovery that amphetamine produces psychosis was another proof for a ...