Around the same time, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphi a announced similar improvements in a boy treated there.Around the world, 34 million children have deafness or hearing loss. Genes are responsible for up to 60 percent of cases. Deafness caused by genes is passed down from parents ...
Minoda, R., Miwa, T., Ise, M., Takeda, H., 2015. Potential treatments for genetic hearing loss in humans: current conundrums. Gene Ther. 22, 603-609.RMinoda, TMiwa, MIse, HTakeda. (2015) Potential treatments for genetic hearing loss in humans: current conundrums. Gene Therapy 22 ...
Treatments are in the works for decreasing the relentless clamor of tinnitus, rescuing hearing after noise exposure, reversing congenital deafness, and staving off age-related hearing loss. Some alternative therapies have already found a place in clinical care and may one day become the standard of...
Official data shows that the average marital age of women rose from 22 years old in the 1980s to 26.3 in 2020. It also shows that women are also giving birth to their first children later, at the average age of 27.2. In May 2021, China began allowing all married couples to have up ...
Based in Seattle, Sound Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SPI) develops therapeutics that prevent and treat various forms of hearing loss.
All hearing loss is unique, and a hearing care professional can help you choose and adjust the technology that is right for you. Are hearing aids a hearing loss cure? Hearing aids don’t cure hearing loss. What they do is amplify sounds, so they’re easier to hear. ...
Labyrinthitis occurs when there is inflammation of the part of the ear responsible for balance and hearing), usually due to viral infections of the inner ear. Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatment.
The most common cause of earache in children is infection of the middle ear (space just behind the eardrum). 80% of children have at least one episode of ear infection before the age of three. Other causes of earache are: infection of the external ear canal (from the ear-hole up to ...
Speech pathologists can provide treatment for voice problems as well as otherspeechsound issues. This can be seen in children and adults, both of which may have a restricted volume or range that impacts their ability to communicate effectively with the people around them. In some cases, this re...
Shen said that the commission will build more screening and diagnosis facilities for birth defects and step up rehabilitation services to safeguard the health of children. Li Jie, head of the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital's prenatal diagnosis center, said during an interview with Xinhua Daily, a ne...