Hello, good people. My mother was diagnosed atrial flutter. I know that this kind of arrhythmia is not life threatening, but it can increase risk for a heart attack.
Treatment of atrial flutter by antitachycardia pacemaker: A 13-year follow-upCARDIOVASCULAR IMAGESPERICARDIUMWe examined the eustachian valve and the limbus of the foramen ovale in 42 hearts with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and in 16 normal hearts. In HLHS, only 4.8% of the eustachian...
In conclusion, TEAP is a noninvasive method with fewer complications and has nearly the same high efficacy for converting AF and rapid AT to sinus rhythm as DC cardioversion or transvenous atrial pacing. 展开 关键词: Transesophageal pacing Atrial flutter ...
Cryoablation as standard treatment of atrial flutter: a prospective, 2-center study (CASTAF)H. BastaniT. BourkeF. BraunschweigN. DrcaK. GudmundssonP. InsulanderA. JemtrenG. KennebckE. LjungstrmB. Sadigh
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is caused by multiple factors disturbing normal atrial electrophysiology and promoting focal electro-activity and re-entry activity. Most frequently AF starts as paroxysmal and tends to progress to permanent AF. Current treatment options for AF include pharmacological treatment, ...
Atrial Flutter Diagnosis of atrial flutter: The diagnosis of atrial flutter is based on the symptoms, on the physical examination and on the ECG interpretation. Symptoms. Severity of symptoms depends on the ventricular rate and heart condition. May be present: palpitations, dizziness, anxiety, faint...
1995. Modification of the maze procedure for atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation, II: surgical technique of the maze III procedure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 110:485-95.n PDF Published 2005-01-04 How to Cite Experience with Various Surgical Options for the Treatment of Atrial ...
(58). Obliteration of the LAA could play an important role in stroke prevention in this patient population. Indeed, LAA amputation has been part of the Maze procedure since the beginning of concomitant AF surgery. There are several therapeutic options for LAA closure. The least invasive consists...
What Treatments Are Available for Arrhythmias, Including Atrial Fibrillation? Many treatment options exist for arrhythmias. The best approach will depend on your specific symptoms. If you haveAfib, for example, treatment is a top priority to reduce your risk of a stroke, which can be debilitating...
An unusual case of congenital atrial flutter is described which was resistant to medical therapy, yet responded well to antitachycardia pacing. While most experience with antitachycardia pacing in pediatrics has been with the postoperative congenital heart patient, patients such as the one described ...