Treatment of whooping coughWHOOPING COUGHIndian Journal of Pediatrics -doi:10.1007/BF02789512Roy, S. K.CalcuttaSpringer IndiaThe Indian Journal of Pediatrics
In teens and adults, whooping cough can lead to pneumonia. Severe coughing can also cause: Abdominal hernias Broken blood vessels Bruised ribs Trouble controlling when you pee Trouble sleeping Whooping Cough Diagnosis Because symptoms of whooping cough are a lot like those caused by a cold, the ...
TREATMENT OF WHOOPING-COUGH BY NASAL IRRIGATIONdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)74542-4MagennisEdwardElsevier Ltd.Lancet
treatment of whooping cough the facts broomhall j, herxheimer a. arch dis child 1984; 59 185–187 Journal of Infection (1984) 9, 313-314 Abstracts of literature ISLAND EPIDEMICS Cliff A, Hagget P. Scientific American 1984; 250 : I IO-I 17 Charles Darwin's classical studies in the Galap...
Get the facts on whooping cough (pertussis) symptoms (whoop sound), causes (Bordetella pertussis), treatment, vaccine (DTaP, Tdap), and transmission.
THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF WHOOPING-COUGH.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)32980-5WmG. CarterThe Lancet
During this phase of the disease, parents often think that it is “a bit of a cold” and the child continues to go to school or kindergarten, infecting others. The cough gradually increases in intensity and duration and becomes spasmodic. Whooping cough is so specific that a doctor needs to...
Causes of Cough in Children A cough is usually a sign that your child's body is trying to rid itself of an irritant. Common causes of cough include: Infection.Colds,flu, andcroupcan all lead to a lingering cough for kids.Coldstend to cause a mild to moderate hacking cough; theflua som...
Whooping CoughErythromycinPertussis VaccineSerotypingMicrobial Sensitivity TestsPhagocytosisTrollfors B.doi:10.3109/00016488409124962Birger TrollforsTaylor & FrancisActa oto-laryngologica. SupplementumTrollfors, B (1984) Whooping Cough-Aspects of Pathogenesis and Treatment. Acta Otolargol. (Stockh) Suppl. ...
Mpox is a viral disease of both animals and humans that causes symptoms similar to those of smallpox, though less severe. It is transmitted by the monkeypox virus, a member of the same virus family that causes smallpox and cowpox.