Multiscale technolo- gies for treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy. Nat Nanotechnol. 2017;12(9):845-855.Mahmoudi, M.; Yu, M.; Serpooshan, V.; Wu, J. C.; Langer, R.; Lee, R. T.; Karp, J. M.; Farokhzad, O. C. Multiscale technologies for treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy. ...
Ten patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and with marked cardiomegaly and "intractable" congestive heart failure were studied to determine their response to prolonged complete bed rest therapy. Ischemc cardiomyopathy is similar to other types of cardiomyopathy with severe congestive heart failure, cardiomeg...
Epicardial placement of mesen- chymal stromal cell-sheets for the treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy; in vivo proof-of-concept study. Mol Ther. 2014; 22:1864-71. PMID: 24930600Tano, N. et al. Epicardial placement of mesenchymal stromal cell-sheets for ...
clinicalindexes.Clinicalefficacyoflevocarnitineonischemiccardiomyopathyissignificant.Ithaslessadversereaction andmoresafety. KEYWORDS : cardiomyopathy ; heartfailure ; levocarnitine 缺血性心肌病是临床常见的一种心脏疾病,由 于长期心肌缺血导致心肌局限性或弥漫性纤维化, 使得心脏收缩功能受损,造成心脏扩大或僵硬,容易 ...
Ischemic cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of heart failure. In patients with left ventricular (LV) dilatation, low ejection fraction, and transmural scar in an anteroseptal distribution, surgical ventricular reconstruction (SVR) is a treatment option. We describe our first experience with the Less...
The trial enrolled 109 patients with class III or IV heart failure resulting from ischemic cardiomyopathy, a type of heart failure that is related to restricted blood flow from a heart attack or coronary artery disease. Roughly half, 58 patients, were randomly assigned to receive stem cell treat...
Other types of cardiomyopathy include: Ischemic cardiomyopathy, which happens when arteries that send blood to the heart become narrowed Peripartum cardiomyopathy, which you get during or shortly after pregnancy Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or "broken heart syndrome," which is when intense stress affects your...
It causes the muscle in your left ventricle to become thick and spongy, instead of firm. It can affect children or adults. Other types of cardiomyopathy include: Ischemic cardiomyopathy, which happens when arteries that send blood to the heart become narrowed Peripartum cardiomyopathy, which you ...
group.It was also found that the two biotic factors were decreased in treatment group,while in the control group there was no obvious change.CONCLUSION The drug joint application improved the ischemic cardiomyopathy and heart failure mainly by improving the cardiac function and the state of the ...
Treatments for Ischemic Stroke Clearing the blockage must be done quickly. An intravenous medication called tPA (short for tissue plasminogen activator) is the most effective tool to break up blood clots that block blood flow. But tPA must be used within three hours of the start of your symptom...