Chlamydial infection, like gonorrhea, is associated with an increased incidence of premature births. In addition, the infant can acquire the infection during passage through the infected birth canal, leading to serious eye damage orpneumonia. For this reason, all newborns are treated with eye drops ...
Congenital syphilis, on the other hand, occurs when a mother infected with syphilis transmits the infection to her child during pregnancy; in these cases, the disease has a poor prognosis, and the risks of spontaneous abortion, fetal death, and premature infant death are increased [3]. ...
Syphilis positivity was higher among HIV positive women compared to negative women. Introduction of rapid syphilis testing and ensuring a universal supply of appropriate treatment for syphilis will reduce the likelihood of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis....
Positive RPR tests are reported as the highest titre for which tests are still positive after dilu- tion, with titre correlating with recentness of infection and stage of disease and falling over time or with treat- ment. In general, titres >1:4 have been considered to represent "active" ...
In resource-constrained settings, planning for human capacity development must take place in the challenging context of health care systems that are struggling to cope with HIV as well as deal with continuing high mater- nal, infant and overall disease mortalities. It is critical that efforts to ...
Following treatment of early syphilis, VDRL/RPR should demonstrate a 4 x (2 dilutions) decrease in titre within 6 months. Failure to do so probably means treatment failure, and is an indication for retreatment with 3 injections of Benzathine penicillin. Some experts recommend CSF examination. ...
Syphilis, systemic disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis can be acquired through sexual and nonsexual contact. An unborn fetus can be infected by the mother. A chancre at the site of infection is an early symptom. Latent infection