TREATMENT for bites & stingsBITES & stingsALLERGIESFLEASINFECTIONPEST controlPETSDIAGNOSISFlea infestations are increasingly common in today's centrally heated, carpeted homes. The consequences of fleabites vary: sometimes they are a minor nuisance, but on occasion they can cause allergic r...
Proper flea and tick control consists of a three-pronged approach: Take precautions with your pet. Check with your veterinarian for recommendations concerning various shampoos, dips and current vaccinations, and read up on how to prevent tick bites. If a tick bites you or your pet, be sure ...
Nexgard kills and prevents adult flea infestations. It also killsticksand prevents the infestation of 3 common dog ticks, American,Deer and the Lone Star. Nexgard may cause some adverse reactions which include vomiting, dry/flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of appetite and it is recommend...
Swelling of lymph nodes Treatment Flea treatment There are numerous remedies for treating flea bites. These range from simple home remedies to over-the-counter medicines. Some treatments include: Applying an ice-pack to the area where the flea bit you. This will reduce inflammation. Applying Aloe...
Fleas Bites Flea bites result in red spots that often are surrounded by reddened haloes. They are extremely itchy and may cause discomfort. Pets Bringing Fleas into the Home Pets transfer fleas to the beds and furniture where they sleep, so if you're cuddling with your pet, you may be bri...
When fleas bite, they inject saliva into the skin, causingitchingand irritation. Flea bites can appear as small red bumps surrounded by reddened skin, creating a halo appearance. What are the symptoms of flea bites in humans? Flea bites appear as small red dots. ...
If a flea bites you, you're likely to get a small itchy red bump, circled by a reddish ring or halo. You may also see a cluster or line of bumps. The saliva that a flea leaves behind is an allergen. Your body sends a chemical calledhistamineto the area where the flea bit you to...
Flea bites Adult fleas are not only a nuisance to humans and their pets, but can cause medical problems including flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), tapeworms, secondary skin irritations and, in extreme cases, anemia. Although bites are rarely felt, it is the resulting irritation caused by the fl...
There are about 2,380 flea species in the world, but the most common in Singapore is the Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides felis). Cat Fleas are reddish brown and grow up to 2.5 mm long. They are wingless, with a flattened body from side to side. Their bites are most irritating and can la...
The reaction is not from the flea itself per se, but from the flea's saliva. Most dogs have some type of reaction from flea bites but luckily they are just minor. But if your Mini Schnauzer has a severe reaction to fleas, you know just how miserable he must be. The itching is ...