We administered Enoant for the first time in 1993 as a part of a complex treatment for children with recurrent bronchitis (RB). These patients typically have significant disorder of their microbial ecological system, enhancement of lipid peroxidation, and decreased immune responsiveness. The reason ...
1.Bronchitis is a common viral infection that affects most of the young children in the first few months. Read about its reasons, signs, risks & treatment for babies & toddlers.
Study on the effect of oral administration of carbocisteine on ventilatory parameters in the SO2 inhalation model of bronchitis in the rat Summary鈥 In order to study the physiological correlates of the beneficial action of carbocisteine (S-carboxy-methyl-cysteine), we have measured the change....
Purpose Plastic bronchitis or cast bronchitis is a rare condition characterized by the formation of large gelatinous or rigid airway casts. Classification of plastic bronchitis is done by disease association and cast histology. This rare condition can cause airway obstruction and there is no standardi...
儿保08儿童常见疾病防治(Prevention and treatment of common diseases in child care 08 children) Eighth unit prevention and treatment of common diseases in children Font: small print: Paper custom clear version Row spacing: single, 1.2, 1.5 times, 1.7 times, 2 times, font: large, small, hidden:...
[Clinical evaluation of activity in the treatment of acute febrile bronchitis in children. Double-blind controlled study versus placebo].Drugs
Homeopathy Treatment for Asthmatic Bronchitis Child asthma finds an amazing cure with homeopathic treatment. Many pediatricians (child specialist doctors) in India opt for getting their own children treated for asthma using homeopathy. Homeopathy drastically reduces the frequency of attacks of asthma and ...
[Objective] To observe Qingfei Xuewei Tiefu combined with western medicine for the treatment of children with acute bronchitis. [Methods] 108 outpatients were randomly divided into two groups according to the random parallel control method. Control group of 54 cases of symptomatic treatment, cough,...
Plastic bronchitis is a rare and often fatal complication of single-ventricle surgical palliation after total cavopulmonary connection. Although lymphatic abnormalities have been postulated to play a role in the disease process, the etiology and pathophysiology of this complication remain incompletely under...
Chills–Chills are experienced in patients who also contract fever which is itself is not a typical symptom.Runny Nose –This symptom is one found in children suffering from either form of bronchitis. They not only have cough and phlegm, but also liquid mucus running down their noses....